Test Results linuxserver/swag:2.10.0-ls296

Cumulative: PASS



Build Information
Version: 2.10.0-ls296
Created: 2024-04-18T22:03:52+00:00
Size: 401.15MB
Maintainer: nemchik
View Container Logs
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[migrations] started
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile successfully started
[migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: executing...
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
[migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: succeeded
[migrations] done
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-adduser: starting
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support the app dev(s) visit:

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    911
User GID:    911

s6-rc: info: service init-adduser successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-folders: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-folders successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-samples: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-samples successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx: starting
Setting resolver to
Setting worker_processes to 6
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-php: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-php successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-keygen: starting
generating self-signed keys in /config/keys, you can replace these with your own keys if required
s6-rc: info: service init-keygen successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-permissions: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-permissions successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-test-run: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config successfully started
[services.d] done.
s6-rc: info: service init-test-run successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-require-url: starting
Please pass your URL as an environment variable in your docker run command. See docker info for more details.
View SBOM output
NAME                            VERSION                TYPE                    
ConfigArgParse                  1.7                    python                   
PyJWT                           2.8.0                  python                   
PyNamecheap                     0.0.3                  python                   
PyYAML                          6.0.1                  python                   
Simple Launcher                      dotnet  (+5 duplicates)  
acme                            2.10.0                 python                   
alpine-baselayout               3.4.3-r2               apk                      
alpine-baselayout-data          3.4.3-r2               apk                      
alpine-keys                     2.4-r1                 apk                      
alpine-release                  3.19.1-r0              apk                      
aom-libs                        3.7.1-r0               apk                      
apache2-utils                   2.4.59-r0              apk                      
apk-tools                       2.14.4-r0              apk                      
apr                             1.7.4-r0               apk                      
apr-util                        1.6.3-r1               apk                      
argon2-libs                     20190702-r5            apk                      
attrs                           23.2.0                 python                   
azure-common                    1.1.28                 python                   
azure-core                      1.30.1                 python                   
azure-identity                  1.16.0                 python                   
azure-mgmt-core                 1.4.0                  python                   
azure-mgmt-dns                  8.1.0                  python                   
bash                            5.2.21-r0              apk                      
beautifulsoup4                  4.12.3                 python                   
boto3                           1.34.87                python                   
botocore                        1.34.87                python                   
brotli-libs                     1.1.0-r1               apk                      
bs4                             0.0.2                  python                   
busybox                         1.36.1-r15             apk                      
busybox-binsh                   1.36.1-r15             apk                      
c-ares                          1.27.0-r0              apk                      
c-client                        2007f-r15              apk                      
ca-certificates                 20240226-r0            apk                      
ca-certificates-bundle          20240226-r0            apk                      
cachetools                      5.3.3                  python                   
certbot                         2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-acmedns             0.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-aliyun              2.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-azure               2.5.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-bunny               0.0.9                  python                   
certbot-dns-cloudflare          2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-cpanel              0.4.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-desec               1.2.1                  python                   
certbot-dns-digitalocean        2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-directadmin         1.0.4                  python                   
certbot-dns-dnsimple            2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy         2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-dnspod              0.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-do                  0.31.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-domeneshop          0.2.9                  python                   
certbot-dns-dreamhost           1.0                    python                   
certbot-dns-duckdns             1.3                    python                   
certbot-dns-dynudns             0.0.6                  python                   
certbot-dns-freedns             0.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-gehirn              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-glesys              2.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-godaddy             2.8.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-google              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-google-domains      0.1.11                 python                   
certbot-dns-he                  1.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-hetzner             2.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-infomaniak          0.2.2                  python                   
certbot-dns-inwx                2.2.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-ionos               2024.1.8               python                   
certbot-dns-linode              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-loopia              1.0.1                  python                   
certbot-dns-luadns              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-namecheap           1.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-netcup              1.4.3                  python                   
certbot-dns-njalla              1.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-nsone               2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-ovh                 2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-porkbun             0.8                    python                   
certbot-dns-rfc2136             2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-route53             2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-sakuracloud         2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-standalone          1.1                    python                   
certbot-dns-transip             0.5.2                  python                   
certbot-dns-vultr               1.1.0                  python                   
certbot-plugin-gandi            1.5.0                  python                   
certifi                         2024.2.2               python                   
cffi                            1.16.0                 python                   
charset-normalizer              3.3.2                  python                   
cloudflare                      2.19.2                 python                   
composer                        2.7.2                  binary                   
configobj                       5.0.8                  python                   
coreutils                       9.4-r2                 apk                      
coreutils-env                   9.4-r2                 apk                      
coreutils-fmt                   9.4-r2                 apk                      
coreutils-sha512sum             9.4-r2                 apk                      
cryptography                    42.0.5                 python                   
curl                            8.5.0-r0               apk                      
dataclasses-json                0.5.14                 python                   
distro                          1.9.0                  python                   
dns-lexicon                     3.17.0                 python                   
dnslib                          0.9.24                 python                   
dnspython                       2.6.1                  python                   
domeneshop                      0.4.3                  python                   
fail2ban                        1.0.2                  python                   
fail2ban                        1.0.2-r3               apk                      
fail2ban-pyc                    1.0.2-r3               apk                      
filelock                        3.13.4                 python                   
findutils                       4.9.0-r5               apk                      
fontconfig                      2.14.2-r4              apk                      
freetype                        2.13.2-r0              apk                      
future                          1.0.0                  python                   
gdbm                            1.23-r1                apk                      
git                             2.43.0-r0              apk                      
git-perl                        2.43.0-r0              apk                      
gmp                             6.3.0-r0               apk                      
gnupg                           2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-dirmngr                   2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-gpgconf                   2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-keyboxd                   2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-utils                     2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-wks-client                2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnutls                          3.8.4-r0               apk                      
google-api-core                 2.18.0                 python                   
google-api-python-client        2.126.0                python                   
google-auth                     2.29.0                 python                   
google-auth-httplib2            0.2.0                  python                   
googleapis-common-protos        1.63.0                 python                   
gpg                             2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpg-agent                       2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpg-wks-server                  2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpgsm                           2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpgv                            2.4.4-r0               apk                      
hiredis                         1.2.0-r0               apk                      
httplib2                        0.22.0                 python                   
icu-data-en                     74.1-r0                apk                      
icu-libs                        74.1-r0                apk                      
idna                            3.7                    python                   
iptables                        1.8.10-r3              apk                      
isodate                         0.6.1                  python                   
jmespath                        1.0.1                  python                   
josepy                          1.14.0                 python                   
jq                              1.7.1-r0               apk                      
jsonlines                       4.0.0                  python                   
jsonpickle                      3.0.4                  python                   
libacl                          2.3.1-r4               apk                      
libassuan                       2.5.6-r1               apk                      
libattr                         2.5.1-r5               apk                      
libavif                         1.0.3-r0               apk                      
libbsd                          0.11.7-r3              apk                      
libbz2                          1.0.8-r6               apk                      
libc-utils                      0.7.2-r5               apk                      
libcrypto3                      3.1.4-r6               apk                      
libcurl                         8.5.0-r0               apk                      
libdav1d                        1.3.0-r1               apk                      
libedit                         20230828.3.1-r3        apk                      
libevent                        2.1.12-r7              apk                      
libexpat                        2.6.2-r0               apk                      
libffi                          3.4.4-r3               apk                      
libgcc                          13.2.1_git20231014-r0  apk                      
libgcrypt                       1.10.3-r0              apk                      
libgd                           2.3.3-r8               apk                      
libgpg-error                    1.47-r2                apk                      
libice                          1.1.1-r5               apk                      
libidn2                         2.3.4-r4               apk                      
libintl                         0.22.3-r0              apk                      
libjpeg-turbo                   3.0.1-r0               apk                      
libksba                         1.6.5-r0               apk                      
libldap                         2.6.6-r1               apk                      
libmaxminddb-libs               1.7.1-r2               apk                      
libmcrypt                       2.5.8-r10              apk                      
libmd                           1.1.0-r0               apk                      
libmemcached-libs               1.1.4-r1               apk                      
libmnl                          1.0.5-r2               apk                      
libncursesw                     6.4_p20231125-r0       apk                      
libnftnl                        1.2.6-r0               apk                      
libpanelw                       6.4_p20231125-r0       apk                      
libpng                          1.6.40-r0              apk                      
libpq                           16.2-r0                apk                      
libproc2                        4.0.4-r0               apk                      
libsasl                         2.1.28-r5              apk                      
libseccomp                      2.5.5-r0               apk                      
libsharpyuv                     1.3.2-r0               apk                      
libsm                           1.2.4-r3               apk                      
libsodium                       1.0.19-r0              apk                      
libssl3                         3.1.4-r6               apk                      
libstdc++                       13.2.1_git20231014-r0  apk                      
libtasn1                        4.19.0-r2              apk                      
libunistring                    1.1-r2                 apk                      
libuuid                         2.39.3-r0              apk                      
libwebp                         1.3.2-r0               apk                      
libx11                          1.8.7-r0               apk                      
libxau                          1.0.11-r3              apk                      
libxcb                          1.16-r0                apk                      
libxdmcp                        1.1.4-r3               apk                      
libxext                         1.3.5-r3               apk                      
libxml2                         2.11.7-r0              apk                      
libxpm                          3.5.17-r0              apk                      
libxslt                         1.1.39-r0              apk                      
libxt                           1.3.0-r4               apk                      
libxtables                      1.8.10-r3              apk                      
libzip                          1.10.1-r0              apk                      
linux-pam                       1.5.3-r7               apk                      
logrotate                       3.21.0-r1              apk                      
loopialib                       0.2.0                  python                   
lxml                            5.2.1                  python                   
lz4-libs                        1.9.4-r5               apk                      
marshmallow                     3.21.1                 python                   
memcached                       1.6.22-r0              apk                      
mock                            5.1.0                  python                   
mpdecimal                       2.5.1-r2               apk                      
msal                            1.28.0                 python                   
msal-extensions                 1.1.0                  python                   
musl                            1.2.4_git20230717-r4   apk                      
musl-utils                      1.2.4_git20230717-r4   apk                      
mypy-extensions                 1.0.0                  python                   
nano                            7.2-r1                 apk                      
ncurses-terminfo-base           6.4_p20231125-r0       apk                      
netcat-openbsd                  1.226-r0               apk                      
nettle                          3.9.1-r0               apk                      
nghttp2-libs                    1.58.0-r0              apk                      
nginx                           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-devel-kit             1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-brotli           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext          1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-echo             1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-fancyindex       1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-geoip2           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-headers-more     1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-image-filter     1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-perl             1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-redis2           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-set-misc         1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-upload-progress  1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter      1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-mail                  1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-rtmp                  1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-stream                1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2         1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-vim                       1.24.0-r15             apk                      
npth                            1.6-r4                 apk                      
oniguruma                       6.9.9-r0               apk                      
openssl                         3.1.4-r6               apk                      
p11-kit                         0.25.3-r0              apk                      
packaging                       24.0                   python                   
parsedatetime                   2.6                    python                   
pcre                            8.45-r3                apk                      
pcre2                           10.42-r2               apk                      
perl                            5.38.2-r0              apk                      
perl-error                      0.17029-r2             apk                      
perl-git                        2.43.0-r0              apk                      
php83                           8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-bcmath                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-bz2                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-common                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-ctype                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-curl                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-dom                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-exif                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-fileinfo                  8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-fpm                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-ftp                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-gd                        8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-gmp                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-iconv                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-imap                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-intl                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-ldap                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-mbstring                  8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-mysqli                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-mysqlnd                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-opcache                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-openssl                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_mysql                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_odbc                  8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_pgsql                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_sqlite                8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pear                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pecl-apcu                 5.1.23-r0              apk                      
php83-pecl-igbinary             3.2.15-r0              apk                      
php83-pecl-mcrypt               1.0.7-r0               apk                      
php83-pecl-memcached            3.2.0-r0               apk                      
php83-pecl-msgpack              2.2.0-r1               apk                      
php83-pecl-redis                6.0.2-r0               apk                      
php83-pgsql                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-phar                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-posix                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-session                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-simplexml                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-soap                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-sockets                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-sodium                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-sqlite3                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-tokenizer                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xml                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xmlreader                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xmlwriter                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xsl                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-zip                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
pinentry                        1.2.1-r1               apk                      
pip                             24.0                   python                   
pkb-client                      1.2                    python                   
popt                            1.19-r3                apk                      
portalocker                     2.8.2                  python                   
procps-ng                       4.0.4-r0               apk                      
proto-plus                      1.23.0                 python                   
protobuf                        4.25.3                 python                   
publicsuffixlist                0.9.4                  python                   
pyOpenSSL                       24.1.0                 python                   
pyRFC3339                       1.1                    python                   
pyacmedns                       0.4                    python                   
pyasn1                          0.6.0                  python                   
pyasn1_modules                  0.4.0                  python                   
pyc                             3.11.9-r0              apk                      
pycparser                       2.22                   python                   
pyotp                           2.9.0                  python                   
pyparsing                       3.1.2                  python                   
python-dateutil                 2.9.0.post0            python                   
python-digitalocean             1.17.0                 python                   
python-transip                  0.6.0                  python                   
python3                         3.11.9-r0              apk                      
python3-pyc                     3.11.9-r0              apk                      
python3-pycache-pyc0            3.11.9-r0              apk                      
pytz                            2024.1                 python                   
readline                        8.2.1-r2               apk                      
requests                        2.31.0                 python                   
requests-file                   2.0.0                  python                   
requests-mock                   1.12.1                 python                   
rsa                             4.9                    python                   
s3transfer                      0.10.1                 python                   
scanelf                         1.3.7-r2               apk                      
setuptools                      65.5.0                 python                   
shadow                          4.14.2-r0              apk                      
six                             1.16.0                 python                   
skalibs                           apk                      
soupsieve                       2.5                    python                   
sqlite-libs                     3.44.2-r0              apk                      
ssl_client                      1.36.1-r15             apk                      
tiff                            4.6.0-r0               apk                      
tldextract                      5.1.2                  python                   
typing-inspect                  0.9.0                  python                   
typing_extensions               4.11.0                 python                   
tzdata                          2024a-r0               apk                      
unixodbc                        2.3.12-r0              apk                      
uritemplate                     4.1.1                  python                   
urllib3                         2.2.1                  python                   
utmps-libs                         apk                      
wheel                           0.43.0                 python                   
whois                           5.5.20-r0              apk                      
xz-libs                         5.4.5-r0               apk                      
zlib                            1.3.1-r0               apk                      
zope.interface                  6.3                    python                   
zstd-libs                       1.5.5-r8               apk
Test Result Message
Container startup PASS -
Create SBOM PASS -
Get build info PASS -



Build Information
Version: 2.10.0-ls296
Created: 2024-04-18T22:03:52+00:00
Size: 423.56MB
Maintainer: nemchik
View Container Logs
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[migrations] started
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile successfully started
[migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: executing...
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
[migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: succeeded
[migrations] done
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-adduser: starting
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support the app dev(s) visit:

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    911
User GID:    911

s6-rc: info: service init-adduser successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-folders: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-folders successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-samples: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-samples successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx: starting
Setting resolver to
Setting worker_processes to 6
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-php: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-php successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-keygen: starting
generating self-signed keys in /config/keys, you can replace these with your own keys if required
s6-rc: info: service init-keygen successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-permissions: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-permissions successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-nginx-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-test-run: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config successfully started
[services.d] done.
s6-rc: info: service init-test-run successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-require-url: starting
Please pass your URL as an environment variable in your docker run command. See docker info for more details.
View SBOM output
NAME                            VERSION                TYPE                    
ConfigArgParse                  1.7                    python                   
PyJWT                           2.8.0                  python                   
PyNamecheap                     0.0.3                  python                   
PyYAML                          6.0.1                  python                   
Simple Launcher                      dotnet  (+5 duplicates)  
acme                            2.10.0                 python                   
alpine-baselayout               3.4.3-r2               apk                      
alpine-baselayout-data          3.4.3-r2               apk                      
alpine-keys                     2.4-r1                 apk                      
alpine-release                  3.19.1-r0              apk                      
aom-libs                        3.7.1-r0               apk                      
apache2-utils                   2.4.59-r0              apk                      
apk-tools                       2.14.4-r0              apk                      
apr                             1.7.4-r0               apk                      
apr-util                        1.6.3-r1               apk                      
argon2-libs                     20190702-r5            apk                      
attrs                           23.2.0                 python                   
azure-common                    1.1.28                 python                   
azure-core                      1.30.1                 python                   
azure-identity                  1.16.0                 python                   
azure-mgmt-core                 1.4.0                  python                   
azure-mgmt-dns                  8.1.0                  python                   
bash                            5.2.21-r0              apk                      
beautifulsoup4                  4.12.3                 python                   
boto3                           1.34.87                python                   
botocore                        1.34.87                python                   
brotli-libs                     1.1.0-r1               apk                      
bs4                             0.0.2                  python                   
busybox                         1.36.1-r15             apk                      
busybox-binsh                   1.36.1-r15             apk                      
c-ares                          1.27.0-r0              apk                      
c-client                        2007f-r15              apk                      
ca-certificates                 20240226-r0            apk                      
ca-certificates-bundle          20240226-r0            apk                      
cachetools                      5.3.3                  python                   
certbot                         2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-acmedns             0.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-aliyun              2.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-azure               2.5.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-bunny               0.0.9                  python                   
certbot-dns-cloudflare          2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-cpanel              0.4.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-desec               1.2.1                  python                   
certbot-dns-digitalocean        2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-directadmin         1.0.4                  python                   
certbot-dns-dnsimple            2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy         2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-dnspod              0.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-do                  0.31.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-domeneshop          0.2.9                  python                   
certbot-dns-dreamhost           1.0                    python                   
certbot-dns-duckdns             1.3                    python                   
certbot-dns-dynudns             0.0.6                  python                   
certbot-dns-freedns             0.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-gehirn              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-glesys              2.1.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-godaddy             2.8.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-google              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-google-domains      0.1.11                 python                   
certbot-dns-he                  1.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-hetzner             2.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-infomaniak          0.2.2                  python                   
certbot-dns-inwx                2.2.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-ionos               2024.1.8               python                   
certbot-dns-linode              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-loopia              1.0.1                  python                   
certbot-dns-luadns              2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-namecheap           1.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-netcup              1.4.3                  python                   
certbot-dns-njalla              1.0.0                  python                   
certbot-dns-nsone               2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-ovh                 2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-porkbun             0.8                    python                   
certbot-dns-rfc2136             2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-route53             2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-sakuracloud         2.10.0                 python                   
certbot-dns-standalone          1.1                    python                   
certbot-dns-transip             0.5.2                  python                   
certbot-dns-vultr               1.1.0                  python                   
certbot-plugin-gandi            1.5.0                  python                   
certifi                         2024.2.2               python                   
cffi                            1.16.0                 python                   
charset-normalizer              3.3.2                  python                   
cloudflare                      2.19.2                 python                   
composer                        2.7.2                  binary                   
configobj                       5.0.8                  python                   
coreutils                       9.4-r2                 apk                      
coreutils-env                   9.4-r2                 apk                      
coreutils-fmt                   9.4-r2                 apk                      
coreutils-sha512sum             9.4-r2                 apk                      
cryptography                    42.0.5                 python                   
curl                            8.5.0-r0               apk                      
dataclasses-json                0.5.14                 python                   
distro                          1.9.0                  python                   
dns-lexicon                     3.17.0                 python                   
dnslib                          0.9.24                 python                   
dnspython                       2.6.1                  python                   
domeneshop                      0.4.3                  python                   
fail2ban                        1.0.2                  python                   
fail2ban                        1.0.2-r3               apk                      
fail2ban-pyc                    1.0.2-r3               apk                      
filelock                        3.13.4                 python                   
findutils                       4.9.0-r5               apk                      
fontconfig                      2.14.2-r4              apk                      
freetype                        2.13.2-r0              apk                      
future                          1.0.0                  python                   
gdbm                            1.23-r1                apk                      
git                             2.43.0-r0              apk                      
git-perl                        2.43.0-r0              apk                      
gmp                             6.3.0-r0               apk                      
gnupg                           2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-dirmngr                   2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-gpgconf                   2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-keyboxd                   2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-utils                     2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnupg-wks-client                2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gnutls                          3.8.4-r0               apk                      
google-api-core                 2.18.0                 python                   
google-api-python-client        2.126.0                python                   
google-auth                     2.29.0                 python                   
google-auth-httplib2            0.2.0                  python                   
googleapis-common-protos        1.63.0                 python                   
gpg                             2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpg-agent                       2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpg-wks-server                  2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpgsm                           2.4.4-r0               apk                      
gpgv                            2.4.4-r0               apk                      
hiredis                         1.2.0-r0               apk                      
httplib2                        0.22.0                 python                   
icu-data-en                     74.1-r0                apk                      
icu-libs                        74.1-r0                apk                      
idna                            3.7                    python                   
iptables                        1.8.10-r3              apk                      
isodate                         0.6.1                  python                   
jmespath                        1.0.1                  python                   
josepy                          1.14.0                 python                   
jq                              1.7.1-r0               apk                      
jsonlines                       4.0.0                  python                   
jsonpickle                      3.0.4                  python                   
libacl                          2.3.1-r4               apk                      
libassuan                       2.5.6-r1               apk                      
libattr                         2.5.1-r5               apk                      
libavif                         1.0.3-r0               apk                      
libbsd                          0.11.7-r3              apk                      
libbz2                          1.0.8-r6               apk                      
libc-utils                      0.7.2-r5               apk                      
libcrypto3                      3.1.4-r6               apk                      
libcurl                         8.5.0-r0               apk                      
libdav1d                        1.3.0-r1               apk                      
libedit                         20230828.3.1-r3        apk                      
libevent                        2.1.12-r7              apk                      
libexpat                        2.6.2-r0               apk                      
libffi                          3.4.4-r3               apk                      
libgcc                          13.2.1_git20231014-r0  apk                      
libgcrypt                       1.10.3-r0              apk                      
libgd                           2.3.3-r8               apk                      
libgpg-error                    1.47-r2                apk                      
libice                          1.1.1-r5               apk                      
libidn2                         2.3.4-r4               apk                      
libintl                         0.22.3-r0              apk                      
libjpeg-turbo                   3.0.1-r0               apk                      
libksba                         1.6.5-r0               apk                      
libldap                         2.6.6-r1               apk                      
libmaxminddb-libs               1.7.1-r2               apk                      
libmcrypt                       2.5.8-r10              apk                      
libmd                           1.1.0-r0               apk                      
libmemcached-libs               1.1.4-r1               apk                      
libmnl                          1.0.5-r2               apk                      
libncursesw                     6.4_p20231125-r0       apk                      
libnftnl                        1.2.6-r0               apk                      
libpanelw                       6.4_p20231125-r0       apk                      
libpng                          1.6.40-r0              apk                      
libpq                           16.2-r0                apk                      
libproc2                        4.0.4-r0               apk                      
libsasl                         2.1.28-r5              apk                      
libseccomp                      2.5.5-r0               apk                      
libsharpyuv                     1.3.2-r0               apk                      
libsm                           1.2.4-r3               apk                      
libsodium                       1.0.19-r0              apk                      
libssl3                         3.1.4-r6               apk                      
libstdc++                       13.2.1_git20231014-r0  apk                      
libtasn1                        4.19.0-r2              apk                      
libunistring                    1.1-r2                 apk                      
libuuid                         2.39.3-r0              apk                      
libwebp                         1.3.2-r0               apk                      
libx11                          1.8.7-r0               apk                      
libxau                          1.0.11-r3              apk                      
libxcb                          1.16-r0                apk                      
libxdmcp                        1.1.4-r3               apk                      
libxext                         1.3.5-r3               apk                      
libxml2                         2.11.7-r0              apk                      
libxpm                          3.5.17-r0              apk                      
libxslt                         1.1.39-r0              apk                      
libxt                           1.3.0-r4               apk                      
libxtables                      1.8.10-r3              apk                      
libzip                          1.10.1-r0              apk                      
linux-pam                       1.5.3-r7               apk                      
logrotate                       3.21.0-r1              apk                      
loopialib                       0.2.0                  python                   
lxml                            5.2.1                  python                   
lz4-libs                        1.9.4-r5               apk                      
marshmallow                     3.21.1                 python                   
memcached                       1.6.22-r0              apk                      
mock                            5.1.0                  python                   
mpdecimal                       2.5.1-r2               apk                      
msal                            1.28.0                 python                   
msal-extensions                 1.1.0                  python                   
musl                            1.2.4_git20230717-r4   apk                      
musl-utils                      1.2.4_git20230717-r4   apk                      
mypy-extensions                 1.0.0                  python                   
nano                            7.2-r1                 apk                      
ncurses-terminfo-base           6.4_p20231125-r0       apk                      
netcat-openbsd                  1.226-r0               apk                      
nettle                          3.9.1-r0               apk                      
nghttp2-libs                    1.58.0-r0              apk                      
nginx                           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-devel-kit             1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-brotli           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext          1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-echo             1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-fancyindex       1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-geoip2           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-headers-more     1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-image-filter     1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-perl             1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-redis2           1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-set-misc         1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-upload-progress  1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter      1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-mail                  1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-rtmp                  1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-stream                1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2         1.24.0-r15             apk                      
nginx-vim                       1.24.0-r15             apk                      
npth                            1.6-r4                 apk                      
oniguruma                       6.9.9-r0               apk                      
openssl                         3.1.4-r6               apk                      
p11-kit                         0.25.3-r0              apk                      
packaging                       24.0                   python                   
parsedatetime                   2.6                    python                   
pcre                            8.45-r3                apk                      
pcre2                           10.42-r2               apk                      
perl                            5.38.2-r0              apk                      
perl-error                      0.17029-r2             apk                      
perl-git                        2.43.0-r0              apk                      
php83                           8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-bcmath                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-bz2                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-common                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-ctype                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-curl                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-dom                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-exif                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-fileinfo                  8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-fpm                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-ftp                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-gd                        8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-gmp                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-iconv                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-imap                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-intl                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-ldap                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-mbstring                  8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-mysqli                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-mysqlnd                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-opcache                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-openssl                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_mysql                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_odbc                  8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_pgsql                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pdo_sqlite                8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pear                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-pecl-apcu                 5.1.23-r0              apk                      
php83-pecl-igbinary             3.2.15-r0              apk                      
php83-pecl-mcrypt               1.0.7-r0               apk                      
php83-pecl-memcached            3.2.0-r0               apk                      
php83-pecl-msgpack              2.2.0-r1               apk                      
php83-pecl-redis                6.0.2-r0               apk                      
php83-pgsql                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-phar                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-posix                     8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-session                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-simplexml                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-soap                      8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-sockets                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-sodium                    8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-sqlite3                   8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-tokenizer                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xml                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xmlreader                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xmlwriter                 8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-xsl                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
php83-zip                       8.3.6-r0               apk                      
pinentry                        1.2.1-r1               apk                      
pip                             24.0                   python                   
pkb-client                      1.2                    python                   
popt                            1.19-r3                apk                      
portalocker                     2.8.2                  python                   
procps-ng                       4.0.4-r0               apk                      
proto-plus                      1.23.0                 python                   
protobuf                        4.25.3                 python                   
publicsuffixlist                0.9.4                  python                   
pyOpenSSL                       24.1.0                 python                   
pyRFC3339                       1.1                    python                   
pyacmedns                       0.4                    python                   
pyasn1                          0.6.0                  python                   
pyasn1_modules                  0.4.0                  python                   
pyc                             3.11.9-r0              apk                      
pycparser                       2.22                   python                   
pyotp                           2.9.0                  python                   
pyparsing                       3.1.2                  python                   
python-dateutil                 2.9.0.post0            python                   
python-digitalocean             1.17.0                 python                   
python-transip                  0.6.0                  python                   
python3                         3.11.9-r0              apk                      
python3-pyc                     3.11.9-r0              apk                      
python3-pycache-pyc0            3.11.9-r0              apk                      
pytz                            2024.1                 python                   
readline                        8.2.1-r2               apk                      
requests                        2.31.0                 python                   
requests-file                   2.0.0                  python                   
requests-mock                   1.12.1                 python                   
rsa                             4.9                    python                   
s3transfer                      0.10.1                 python                   
scanelf                         1.3.7-r2               apk                      
setuptools                      65.5.0                 python                   
shadow                          4.14.2-r0              apk                      
six                             1.16.0                 python                   
skalibs                           apk                      
soupsieve                       2.5                    python                   
sqlite-libs                     3.44.2-r0              apk                      
ssl_client                      1.36.1-r15             apk                      
tiff                            4.6.0-r0               apk                      
tldextract                      5.1.2                  python                   
typing-inspect                  0.9.0                  python                   
typing_extensions               4.11.0                 python                   
tzdata                          2024a-r0               apk                      
unixodbc                        2.3.12-r0              apk                      
uritemplate                     4.1.1                  python                   
urllib3                         2.2.1                  python                   
utmps-libs                         apk                      
wheel                           0.43.0                 python                   
whois                           5.5.20-r0              apk                      
xz-libs                         5.4.5-r0               apk                      
zlib                            1.3.1-r0               apk                      
zope.interface                  6.3                    python                   
zstd-libs                       1.5.5-r8               apk
Test Result Message
Container startup PASS -
Create SBOM PASS -
Get build info PASS -
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