Test Results linuxserver/quassel-web:019bfdc1-ls121

Cumulative: PASS



Build Information
Version: 019bfdc1-ls121
Created: 2024-04-18T23:49:05+00:00
Size: 124.61MB
Maintainer: chbmb
View Container Logs
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-adduser: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    911
User GID:    911

s6-rc: info: service init-adduser successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-quassel-web-config: starting
QUASSEL_CORE is required to setup container with env variables falling back to config file
You will need to manually modify /config/settings-user.cjs
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-quassel-web-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files: starting
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-quassel-web: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-quassel-web successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check: starting
[] done.
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check successfully started
(node:150) ExperimentalWarning: Import assertions are not a stable feature of the JavaScript language. Avoid relying on their current behavior and syntax as those might change in a future version of Node.js.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:150) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
SETTINGS: Using /config/settings-user.cjs
quassel-webserver listening for https connections on port 64443
GET / 200 788.027 ms - 46499
GET /stylesheets/fonts.css 200 15.689 ms - 4472
GET /stylesheets/mobile.css 200 13.382 ms - 190
GET /javascripts/jquery.min.js 200 6.915 ms - 86709
GET /javascripts/angular.min.js 200 6.117 ms - 165981
GET /javascripts/angular-aria.min.js 200 31.114 ms - 3807
GET /javascripts/scrollglue.js 200 133.935 ms - 4506
GET /javascripts/bootstrap-tokenfield.min.js 200 133.888 ms - 16922
GET /javascripts/favico-0.3.10.min.js 200 135.752 ms - 9033
GET /javascripts/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js 200 136.367 ms - 125728
GET /javascripts/ng-quassel.js 200 20.222 ms - 5437
GET /javascripts/angular-sanitize.js 200 26.830 ms - 27381
GET /javascripts/angular-dnd.min.js 200 13.237 ms - 2742
GET /javascripts/angular-notify.min.js 200 11.072 ms - 3288
GET /javascripts/angular-init.js 200 127.333 ms - 26455
GET /javascripts/libquassel.js 200 132.815 ms - 509015
GET /javascripts/angular-filter.js 200 49.778 ms - 9792
GET /javascripts/angular-directive.js 200 52.115 ms - 30577
GET /javascripts/controller/NetworkController.js 200 707.011 ms - 25426
GET /javascripts/controller/ConfigController.js 200 707.458 ms - 11103
GET /javascripts/controller/ModalController.js 200 705.625 ms - 8774
GET /javascripts/controller/QuasselController.js 200 15.840 ms - 9782
GET /javascripts/controller/InputController.js 200 15.544 ms - 14199
GET /javascripts/controller/FilterController.js 200 4.527 ms - 4354
GET /stylesheets/theme-default.css 200 1112.687 ms - 98261
GET /images/quassel-logo.png 200 0.991 ms - 511
GET /stylesheets/fonts/quassel-webserver.woff2?69220943 200 6.341 ms - 6080
GET /stylesheets/fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff 200 7.425 ms - 105700
GET /stylesheets/fonts/Roboto-Light-webfont.woff 200 5.897 ms - 105544
GET /stylesheets/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Regular-webfont.woff 200 8.359 ms - 109020
GET /stylesheets/fonts/DroidSansMono-webfont.woff 200 10.126 ms - 11744
GET /settings 200 1.932 ms - 261
View SBOM output
NAME                                VERSION                 TYPE                  
@babel/helper-string-parser         7.22.5                  npm                    
@babel/helper-validator-identifier  7.22.20                 npm                    
@babel/parser                       7.23.0                  npm                    
@babel/types                        7.23.0                  npm                    
@colors/colors                      1.5.0                   npm                    
@gar/promisify                      1.1.3                   npm                    
@httptoolkit/httpolyglot            2.1.1                   npm                    
@isaacs/cliui                       8.0.2                   npm                    
@isaacs/string-locale-compare       1.1.0                   npm                    
@my-scope/package-a                 0.0.0                   npm                    
@my-scope/package-b                 0.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/arborist                    6.2.9                   npm                    
@npmcli/config                      6.1.6                   npm                    
@npmcli/disparity-colors            3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/fs                          2.1.2                   npm                    
@npmcli/fs                          3.1.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/git                         4.0.4                   npm                    
@npmcli/installed-package-contents  2.0.2                   npm                    
@npmcli/map-workspaces              3.0.4                   npm                    
@npmcli/metavuln-calculator         5.0.1                   npm                    
@npmcli/move-file                   2.0.1                   npm                    
@npmcli/name-from-folder            2.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/node-gyp                    3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/package-json                3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/promise-spawn               6.0.2                   npm                    
@npmcli/query                       3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/run-script                  6.0.1                   npm                    
@pkgjs/parseargs                    0.11.0                  npm                    
@sigstore/protobuf-specs            0.1.0                   npm                    
@tootallnate/once                   2.0.0                   npm                    
@tufjs/canonical-json               1.0.0                   npm                    
@tufjs/models                       1.0.4                   npm                    
@types/node                         16.18.60                npm                    
abbrev                              1.1.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
abbrev                              2.0.0                   npm                    
abort-controller                    3.0.0                   npm                    
accepts                             1.3.8                   npm                    
acorn                               7.4.1                   npm                    
ada-libs                            2.5.1-r0                apk                    
agent-base                          6.0.2                   npm                    
agentkeepalive                      4.3.0                   npm                    
aggregate-error                     3.1.0                   npm                    
ajv                                 6.12.6                  npm                    
alpine-baselayout                   3.4.3-r1                apk                    
alpine-baselayout-data              3.4.3-r1                apk                    
alpine-keys                         2.4-r1                  apk                    
alpine-release                      3.18.6-r0               apk                    
ansi-regex                          5.0.1                   npm                    
ansi-regex                          6.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
ansi-styles                         4.3.0                   npm                    
ansi-styles                         6.2.1                   npm                    
anymatch                            3.1.3                   npm                    
apk-tools                           2.14.4-r0               apk                    
aproba                              2.0.0                   npm                    
archy                               1.0.0                   npm                    
are-we-there-yet                    3.0.1                   npm                    
are-we-there-yet                    4.0.0                   npm                    
array-flatten                       1.1.1                   npm                    
asap                                2.0.6                   npm                    
asn1                                0.2.6                   npm                    
assert-never                        1.2.1                   npm                    
assert-plus                         1.0.0                   npm                    
asynckit                            0.4.0                   npm                    
aws-sign2                           0.7.0                   npm                    
aws4                                1.12.0                  npm                    
babel-walk                          3.0.0-canary-5          npm                    
balanced-match                      1.0.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
base64-js                           1.5.1                   npm                    
bash                                5.2.15-r5               apk                    
basic-auth                          2.0.1                   npm                    
bcrypt-pbkdf                        1.0.2                   npm                    
bin-links                           4.0.1                   npm                    
binary-extensions                   2.2.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
body-parser                         1.20.1                  npm                    
body-parser                         1.20.2                  npm                    
brace-expansion                     1.1.11                  npm   (+2 duplicates)  
brace-expansion                     2.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
braces                              3.0.2                   npm                    
brotli-libs                         1.0.9-r14               apk                    
buffer                              6.0.3                   npm                    
builtins                            5.0.1                   npm                    
busybox                             1.36.1-r5               apk                    
busybox-binsh                       1.36.1-r5               apk                    
bytes                               3.1.2                   npm                    
c-ares                              1.19.1-r1               apk                    
ca-certificates                     20240226-r0             apk                    
ca-certificates-bundle              20240226-r0             apk                    
cacache                             16.1.3                  npm                    
cacache                             17.1.0                  npm                    
call-bind                           1.0.5                   npm                    
callsites                           4.1.0                   npm                    
caseless                            0.12.0                  npm                    
chalk                               4.1.2                   npm                    
character-parser                    2.2.0                   npm                    
chokidar                            3.5.3                   npm                    
chownr                              2.0.0                   npm                    
ci-info                             3.8.0                   npm                    
cidr-regex                          3.1.1                   npm                    
clean-stack                         2.2.0                   npm                    
cli-columns                         4.0.0                   npm                    
cli-table3                          0.6.3                   npm                    
clone                               1.0.4                   npm                    
clone                               2.1.2                   npm                    
cmd-shim                            6.0.1                   npm                    
color-convert                       2.0.1                   npm                    
color-name                          1.1.4                   npm                    
color-support                       1.1.3                   npm                    
columnify                           1.6.0                   npm                    
combined-stream                     1.0.8                   npm                    
commander                           11.1.0                  npm                    
common-ancestor-path                1.0.1                   npm                    
concat-map                          0.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
console-control-strings             1.1.0                   npm                    
constantinople                      4.0.1                   npm                    
content-disposition                 0.5.4                   npm                    
content-type                        1.0.5                   npm                    
cookie                              0.4.1                   npm                    
cookie                              0.5.0                   npm                    
cookie-parser                       1.4.6                   npm                    
cookie-signature                    1.0.6                   npm                    
copy-anything                       2.0.6                   npm                    
core-util-is                        1.0.2                   npm                    
corepack                            0.20.0                  npm                    
coreutils                           9.3-r2                  apk                    
cross-spawn                         7.0.3                   npm                    
cssesc                              3.0.0                   npm                    
curl                                8.5.0-r0                apk                    
dashdash                            1.14.1                  npm                    
debug                               2.6.9                   npm   (+4 duplicates)  
debug                               3.2.7                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
debug                               4.3.4                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
defaults                            1.0.4                   npm                    
define-data-property                1.1.1                   npm                    
delayed-stream                      1.0.0                   npm                    
delegates                           1.0.0                   npm                    
depd                                2.0.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
destroy                             1.2.0                   npm                    
diff                                5.1.0                   npm                    
doctypes                            1.1.0                   npm                    
eastasianwidth                      0.2.0                   npm                    
ecc-jsbn                            0.1.2                   npm                    
ee-first                            1.1.1                   npm                    
emoji-regex                         8.0.0                   npm                    
emoji-regex                         9.2.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
encodeurl                           1.0.2                   npm                    
encoding                            0.1.13                  npm                    
env-paths                           2.2.1                   npm                    
err-code                            2.0.3                   npm                    
errno                               0.1.8                   npm                    
escape-html                         1.0.3                   npm                    
etag                                1.8.1                   npm                    
event-target-shim                   5.0.1                   npm                    
events                              3.3.0                   npm                    
express                             4.18.2                  npm                    
extend                              3.0.2                   npm                    
extsprintf                          1.3.0                   npm                    
fast-deep-equal                     3.1.3                   npm                    
fast-json-stable-stringify          2.1.0                   npm                    
fastest-levenshtein                 1.0.16                  npm                    
fill-range                          7.0.1                   npm                    
finalhandler                        1.2.0                   npm                    
findutils                           4.9.0-r5                apk                    
foreground-child                    3.1.1                   npm                    
forever-agent                       0.6.1                   npm                    
form-data                           2.3.3                   npm                    
forwarded                           0.2.0                   npm                    
fresh                               0.5.2                   npm                    
fs-minipass                         2.1.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
fs-minipass                         3.0.2                   npm                    
fs.realpath                         1.0.0                   npm                    
function-bind                       1.1.1                   npm                    
function-bind                       1.1.2                   npm                    
gauge                               4.0.4                   npm                    
gauge                               5.0.1                   npm                    
get-intrinsic                       1.2.2                   npm                    
getpass                             0.1.7                   npm                    
glob                                10.2.2                  npm   (+1 duplicate)   
glob                                7.2.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
glob                                8.1.0                   npm                    
glob-parent                         5.1.2                   npm                    
gopd                                1.0.1                   npm                    
graceful-fs                         4.2.11                  npm   (+1 duplicate)   
har-schema                          2.0.0                   npm                    
har-validator                       5.1.5                   npm                    
has                                 1.0.3                   npm                    
has-flag                            3.0.0                   npm                    
has-flag                            4.0.0                   npm                    
has-property-descriptors            1.0.1                   npm                    
has-proto                           1.0.1                   npm                    
has-symbols                         1.0.3                   npm                    
has-tostringtag                     1.0.0                   npm                    
has-unicode                         2.0.1                   npm                    
hasown                              2.0.0                   npm                    
hosted-git-info                     6.1.1                   npm                    
http-cache-semantics                4.1.1                   npm                    
http-errors                         2.0.0                   npm                    
http-proxy-agent                    5.0.0                   npm                    
http-signature                      1.2.0                   npm                    
https-proxy-agent                   5.0.1                   npm                    
humanize-ms                         1.2.1                   npm                    
iconv-lite                          0.4.24                  npm                    
iconv-lite                          0.6.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
icu-data-en                         73.2-r2                 apk                    
icu-libs                            73.2-r2                 apk                    
ieee754                             1.2.1                   npm                    
ignore-by-default                   1.0.1                   npm                    
ignore-walk                         6.0.3                   npm                    
image-size                          0.5.5                   npm                    
import-module                       1.0.0                   npm                    
imurmurhash                         0.1.4                   npm                    
indent-string                       4.0.0                   npm                    
infer-owner                         1.0.4                   npm                    
inflight                            1.0.6                   npm                    
inherits                            2.0.4                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
ini                                 4.1.0                   npm                    
init-package-json                   5.0.0                   npm                    
int64-buffer                        0.99.1007               npm                    
ip                                  2.0.0                   npm                    
ip-regex                            4.3.0                   npm                    
ipaddr.js                           1.9.1                   npm                    
is                                  3.3.0                   npm                    
is-binary-path                      2.1.0                   npm                    
is-cidr                             4.0.2                   npm                    
is-core-module                      2.12.0                  npm                    
is-core-module                      2.13.1                  npm                    
is-expression                       4.0.0                   npm                    
is-extglob                          2.1.1                   npm                    
is-fullwidth-code-point             3.0.0                   npm                    
is-glob                             4.0.3                   npm                    
is-lambda                           1.0.1                   npm                    
is-number                           7.0.0                   npm                    
is-promise                          2.2.2                   npm                    
is-regex                            1.1.4                   npm                    
is-typedarray                       1.0.0                   npm                    
is-what                             3.14.1                  npm                    
isexe                               2.0.0                   npm                    
isstream                            0.1.2                   npm                    
jackspeak                           2.2.0                   npm                    
jq                                  1.6-r4                  apk                    
js-stringify                        1.0.2                   npm                    
jsbn                                0.1.1                   npm                    
json-parse-even-better-errors       3.0.0                   npm                    
json-schema                         0.4.0                   npm                    
json-schema-traverse                0.4.1                   npm                    
json-stringify-nice                 1.1.4                   npm                    
json-stringify-safe                 5.0.1                   npm                    
jsonparse                           1.3.1                   npm                    
jsprim                              1.4.2                   npm                    
jstransformer                       1.0.0                   npm                    
just-diff                           6.0.2                   npm                    
just-diff-apply                     5.5.0                   npm                    
less                                3.9.0                   npm                    
less                                4.2.0                   npm                    
less-middleware                     3.1.0                   npm                    
libacl                              2.3.1-r3                apk                    
libattr                             2.5.1-r4                apk                    
libbsd                              0.11.7-r1               apk                    
libc-utils                          0.7.2-r5                apk                    
libcrypto3                          3.1.4-r6                apk                    
libcurl                             8.5.0-r0                apk                    
libgcc                              12.2.1_git20220924-r10  apk                    
libidn2                             2.3.4-r1                apk                    
libintl                             0.21.1-r7               apk                    
libmd                               1.0.4-r2                apk                    
libncursesw                         6.4_p20230506-r0        apk                    
libnpmaccess                        7.0.2                   npm                    
libnpmdiff                          5.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmexec                          5.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmfund                          4.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmhook                          9.0.3                   npm                    
libnpmorg                           5.0.4                   npm                    
libnpmpack                          5.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmpublish                       7.1.4                   npm                    
libnpmsearch                        6.0.2                   npm                    
libnpmteam                          5.0.3                   npm                    
libnpmversion                       4.0.2                   npm                    
libproc2                            4.0.4-r0                apk                    
libquassel                          4.0.0                   npm                    
libssl3                             3.1.4-r6                apk                    
libstdc++                           12.2.1_git20220924-r10  apk                    
libunistring                        1.1-r1                  apk                    
libuv                               1.44.2-r2               apk                    
linux-pam                           1.5.2-r10               apk                    
ljharb-monorepo-symlink-test        0.0.0                   npm                    
lru-cache                           6.0.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
lru-cache                           7.18.3                  npm                    
lru-cache                           9.1.1                   npm                    
make-dir                            2.1.0                   npm                    
make-fetch-happen                   10.2.1                  npm                    
make-fetch-happen                   11.1.1                  npm                    
media-typer                         0.3.0                   npm                    
merge-descriptors                   1.0.1                   npm                    
methods                             1.1.2                   npm                    
mime                                1.6.0                   npm                    
mime-db                             1.52.0                  npm                    
mime-types                          2.1.35                  npm                    
minimatch                           3.1.2                   npm   (+2 duplicates)  
minimatch                           5.1.6                   npm                    
minimatch                           9.0.0                   npm                    
minimist                            1.2.8                   npm                    
minipass                            3.3.6                   npm   (+7 duplicates)  
minipass                            5.0.0                   npm                    
minipass-collect                    1.0.2                   npm                    
minipass-fetch                      2.1.2                   npm                    
minipass-fetch                      3.0.3                   npm                    
minipass-flush                      1.0.5                   npm                    
minipass-json-stream                1.0.1                   npm                    
minipass-pipeline                   1.2.4                   npm                    
minipass-sized                      1.0.3                   npm                    
minizlib                            2.1.2                   npm                    
mkdirp                              0.5.6                   npm                    
mkdirp                              1.0.4                   npm                    
morgan                              1.10.0                  npm                    
ms                                  2.0.0                   npm   (+4 duplicates)  
ms                                  2.1.1                   npm                    
ms                                  2.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
ms                                  2.1.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
musl                                1.2.4-r2                apk                    
musl-utils                          1.2.4-r2                apk                    
mute-stream                         1.0.0                   npm                    
mylib                               0.0.0                   npm                    
ncurses-terminfo-base               6.4_p20230506-r0        apk                    
needle                              3.2.0                   npm                    
negotiator                          0.6.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
netcat-openbsd                      1.219-r1                apk                    
nghttp2-libs                        1.57.0-r0               apk                    
node-forge                          1.3.1                   npm                    
node-forge-flash                    0.0.0                   npm                    
node-gyp                            9.3.1                   npm                    
node.extend                         2.0.3                   npm                    
nodejs-current                      20.8.1-r0               apk                    
nodemon                             3.0.1                   npm                    
nopt                                1.0.10                  npm                    
nopt                                6.0.0                   npm                    
nopt                                7.1.0                   npm                    
normalize-package-data              5.0.0                   npm                    
normalize-path                      3.0.0                   npm                    
npm                                 9.6.6                   npm                    
npm                                 9.6.6-r0                apk                    
npm-audit-report                    4.0.0                   npm                    
npm-bundled                         3.0.0                   npm                    
npm-install-checks                  6.1.1                   npm                    
npm-normalize-package-bin           3.0.1                   npm                    
npm-package-arg                     10.1.0                  npm                    
npm-packlist                        7.0.4                   npm                    
npm-pick-manifest                   8.0.1                   npm                    
npm-profile                         7.0.1                   npm                    
npm-registry-fetch                  14.0.5                  npm                    
npm-user-validate                   2.0.0                   npm                    
npmlog                              6.0.2                   npm                    
npmlog                              7.0.1                   npm                    
oauth-sign                          0.9.0                   npm                    
object-assign                       4.1.1                   npm                    
object-inspect                      1.13.1                  npm                    
on-finished                         2.3.0                   npm                    
on-finished                         2.4.1                   npm                    
on-headers                          1.0.2                   npm                    
once                                1.4.0                   npm                    
oniguruma                           6.9.8-r1                apk                    
p-map                               4.0.0                   npm                    
pacote                              15.1.3                  npm                    
parse-conflict-json                 3.0.1                   npm                    
parse-node-version                  1.0.1                   npm                    
parseurl                            1.3.3                   npm                    
path-is-absolute                    1.0.1                   npm                    
path-key                            3.1.1                   npm                    
path-parse                          1.0.7                   npm                    
path-scurry                         1.7.0                   npm                    
path-to-regexp                      0.1.7                   npm                    
performance-now                     2.1.0                   npm                    
picomatch                           2.3.1                   npm                    
pify                                4.0.1                   npm                    
postcss-selector-parser             6.0.12                  npm                    
proc-log                            3.0.0                   npm                    
process                             0.11.10                 npm                    
procps-ng                           4.0.4-r0                apk                    
promise                             7.3.1                   npm                    
promise-all-reject-late             1.0.1                   npm                    
promise-call-limit                  1.0.2                   npm                    
promise-inflight                    1.0.1                   npm                    
promise-retry                       2.0.1                   npm                    
promzard                            1.0.0                   npm                    
proxy-addr                          2.0.7                   npm                    
prr                                 1.0.1                   npm                    
psl                                 1.9.0                   npm                    
pstree.remy                         1.1.8                   npm                    
pug                                 3.0.2                   npm                    
pug-attrs                           3.0.0                   npm                    
pug-code-gen                        3.0.2                   npm                    
pug-error                           2.0.0                   npm                    
pug-filters                         4.0.0                   npm                    
pug-lexer                           5.0.1                   npm                    
pug-linker                          4.0.0                   npm                    
pug-load                            3.0.0                   npm                    
pug-parser                          6.0.0                   npm                    
pug-runtime                         3.0.1                   npm                    
pug-strip-comments                  2.0.0                   npm                    
pug-walk                            2.0.0                   npm                    
punycode                            2.3.1                   npm                    
qrcode-terminal                     0.12.0                  npm                    
qs                                  6.11.0                  npm                    
qs                                  6.5.3                   npm                    
qtdatastream                        1.1.0                   npm                    
quassel-webserver                   3.0.2                   npm                    
range-parser                        1.2.1                   npm                    
raw-body                            2.5.1                   npm                    
raw-body                            2.5.2                   npm                    
read                                2.1.0                   npm                    
read-cmd-shim                       4.0.0                   npm                    
read-package-json                   6.0.3                   npm                    
read-package-json-fast              3.0.2                   npm                    
readable-stream                     3.6.2                   npm                    
readable-stream                     4.3.0                   npm                    
readdirp                            3.6.0                   npm                    
readline                            8.2.1-r1                apk                    
request                             2.88.2                  npm                    
resolve                             1.22.8                  npm                    
resolve-esm                         2.0.3                   npm                    
retry                               0.12.0                  npm                    
rimraf                              3.0.2                   npm                    
safe-buffer                         5.1.1                   npm                    
safe-buffer                         5.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
safe-buffer                         5.2.1                   npm                    
safer-buffer                        2.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
sax                                 1.3.0                   npm                    
scanelf                             1.3.7-r1                apk                    
semver                              5.7.2                   npm                    
semver                              7.5.0                   npm                    
semver                              7.5.4                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
send                                0.18.0                  npm                    
serve-favicon                       2.5.0                   npm                    
serve-static                        1.15.0                  npm                    
set-blocking                        2.0.0                   npm                    
set-function-length                 1.1.1                   npm                    
setprototypeof                      1.2.0                   npm                    
shadow                              4.13-r4                 apk                    
shebang-command                     2.0.0                   npm                    
shebang-regex                       3.0.0                   npm                    
side-channel                        1.0.4                   npm                    
signal-exit                         3.0.7                   npm                    
signal-exit                         4.0.1                   npm                    
sigstore                            1.4.0                   npm                    
simple-update-notifier              2.0.0                   npm                    
skalibs                                apk                    
smart-buffer                        4.2.0                   npm                    
socks                               2.7.1                   npm                    
socks-proxy-agent                   7.0.0                   npm                    
source-map                          0.6.1                   npm                    
spdx-correct                        3.2.0                   npm                    
spdx-exceptions                     2.3.0                   npm                    
spdx-expression-parse               3.0.1                   npm                    
spdx-license-ids                    3.0.13                  npm                    
sshpk                               1.18.0                  npm                    
ssl_client                          1.36.1-r5               apk                    
ssri                                10.0.4                  npm                    
ssri                                9.0.1                   npm                    
statuses                            2.0.1                   npm                    
string-width                        4.2.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
string-width                        5.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
string_decoder                      1.1.1                   npm                    
strip-ansi                          6.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
strip-ansi                          7.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
supports-color                      5.5.0                   npm                    
supports-color                      7.2.0                   npm                    
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag     1.0.0                   npm                    
tar                                 6.1.14                  npm                    
text-table                          0.2.0                   npm                    
tiny-relative-date                  1.3.0                   npm                    
to-fast-properties                  2.0.0                   npm                    
to-regex-range                      5.0.1                   npm                    
toidentifier                        1.0.1                   npm                    
token-stream                        1.0.0                   npm                    
touch                               3.1.0                   npm                    
tough-cookie                        2.5.0                   npm                    
treeverse                           3.0.0                   npm                    
tslib                               2.6.2                   npm                    
tuf-js                              1.1.5                   npm                    
tunnel-agent                        0.6.0                   npm                    
tweetnacl                           0.14.5                  npm                    
type-is                             1.6.18                  npm                    
tzdata                              2024a-r0                apk                    
undefsafe                           2.0.5                   npm                    
unique-filename                     2.0.1                   npm                    
unique-filename                     3.0.0                   npm                    
unique-slug                         3.0.0                   npm                    
unique-slug                         4.0.0                   npm                    
unpipe                              1.0.0                   npm                    
untildify                           5.0.0                   npm                    
uri-js                              4.4.1                   npm                    
util-deprecate                      1.0.2                   npm                    
utils-merge                         1.0.1                   npm                    
utmps-libs                              apk                    
uuid                                3.4.0                   npm                    
validate-npm-package-license        3.0.4                   npm                    
validate-npm-package-name           5.0.0                   npm                    
vary                                1.1.2                   npm                    
verror                              1.10.0                  npm                    
void-elements                       3.1.0                   npm                    
walk-up-path                        3.0.1                   npm                    
wcwidth                             1.0.1                   npm                    
which                               2.0.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
which                               3.0.1                   npm                    
wide-align                          1.1.5                   npm                    
with                                7.0.2                   npm                    
wrap-ansi                           7.0.0                   npm                    
wrap-ansi                           8.1.0                   npm                    
wrappy                              1.0.2                   npm                    
write-file-atomic                   5.0.1                   npm                    
ws                                  8.14.2                  npm                    
yallist                             4.0.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
zlib                                1.2.13-r1               apk
Test Result Message
Container startup PASS -
Create SBOM PASS -
Get build info PASS -
Get screenshot PASS -



Build Information
Version: 019bfdc1-ls121
Created: 2024-04-18T23:49:05+00:00
Size: 135.73MB
Maintainer: chbmb
View Container Logs
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-adduser: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    911
User GID:    911

s6-rc: info: service init-adduser successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-quassel-web-config: starting
QUASSEL_CORE is required to setup container with env variables falling back to config file
You will need to manually modify /config/settings-user.cjs
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-quassel-web-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files: starting
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-quassel-web: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-quassel-web successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check: starting
[] done.
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check successfully started
(node:557) ExperimentalWarning: Import assertions are not a stable feature of the JavaScript language. Avoid relying on their current behavior and syntax as those might change in a future version of Node.js.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:557) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
SETTINGS: Using /config/settings-user.cjs
quassel-webserver listening for https connections on port 64443
GET / 200 9130.598 ms - 46499
GET /stylesheets/fonts.css 200 270.392 ms - 4472
GET /javascripts/angular-aria.min.js 200 117.634 ms - 3807
GET /stylesheets/mobile.css 200 209.156 ms - 190
GET /javascripts/jquery.min.js 200 112.537 ms - 86709
GET /javascripts/angular.min.js 200 114.608 ms - 165981
GET /javascripts/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js 200 450.158 ms - 125728
GET /javascripts/bootstrap-tokenfield.min.js 200 964.612 ms - 16922
GET /javascripts/scrollglue.js 200 1317.164 ms - 4506
GET /javascripts/favico-0.3.10.min.js 200 1315.474 ms - 9033
GET /javascripts/ng-quassel.js 200 90.824 ms - 5437
GET /javascripts/angular-sanitize.js 200 87.590 ms - 27381
GET /javascripts/angular-dnd.min.js 200 195.756 ms - 2742
GET /javascripts/angular-notify.min.js 200 192.073 ms - 3288
GET /javascripts/angular-init.js 200 97.920 ms - 26455
GET /javascripts/angular-directive.js 200 96.777 ms - 30577
GET /javascripts/angular-filter.js 200 898.803 ms - 9792
GET /javascripts/libquassel.js 200 1296.834 ms - 509015
GET /javascripts/controller/NetworkController.js 200 900.230 ms - 25426
GET /javascripts/controller/ConfigController.js 200 112.648 ms - 11103
GET /javascripts/controller/ModalController.js 200 108.558 ms - 8774
GET /javascripts/controller/QuasselController.js 200 7093.553 ms - 9782
GET /javascripts/controller/InputController.js 200 7143.526 ms - 14199
GET /javascripts/controller/FilterController.js 200 7141.231 ms - 4354
GET /stylesheets/fonts/quassel-webserver.woff2?69220943 200 97.088 ms - 6080
GET /stylesheets/theme-default.css 200 10946.947 ms - 98261
GET /images/quassel-logo.png 200 7.530 ms - 511
GET /stylesheets/fonts/DroidSansMono-webfont.woff 200 38.691 ms - 11744
GET /stylesheets/fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff 200 24.197 ms - 105700
GET /stylesheets/fonts/Roboto-Light-webfont.woff 200 32.604 ms - 105544
GET /stylesheets/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Regular-webfont.woff 200 35.129 ms - 109020
GET /settings 200 37.863 ms - 261
View SBOM output
NAME                                VERSION                 TYPE                  
@babel/helper-string-parser         7.22.5                  npm                    
@babel/helper-validator-identifier  7.22.20                 npm                    
@babel/parser                       7.23.0                  npm                    
@babel/types                        7.23.0                  npm                    
@colors/colors                      1.5.0                   npm                    
@gar/promisify                      1.1.3                   npm                    
@httptoolkit/httpolyglot            2.1.1                   npm                    
@isaacs/cliui                       8.0.2                   npm                    
@isaacs/string-locale-compare       1.1.0                   npm                    
@my-scope/package-a                 0.0.0                   npm                    
@my-scope/package-b                 0.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/arborist                    6.2.9                   npm                    
@npmcli/config                      6.1.6                   npm                    
@npmcli/disparity-colors            3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/fs                          2.1.2                   npm                    
@npmcli/fs                          3.1.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/git                         4.0.4                   npm                    
@npmcli/installed-package-contents  2.0.2                   npm                    
@npmcli/map-workspaces              3.0.4                   npm                    
@npmcli/metavuln-calculator         5.0.1                   npm                    
@npmcli/move-file                   2.0.1                   npm                    
@npmcli/name-from-folder            2.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/node-gyp                    3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/package-json                3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/promise-spawn               6.0.2                   npm                    
@npmcli/query                       3.0.0                   npm                    
@npmcli/run-script                  6.0.1                   npm                    
@pkgjs/parseargs                    0.11.0                  npm                    
@sigstore/protobuf-specs            0.1.0                   npm                    
@tootallnate/once                   2.0.0                   npm                    
@tufjs/canonical-json               1.0.0                   npm                    
@tufjs/models                       1.0.4                   npm                    
@types/node                         16.18.60                npm                    
abbrev                              1.1.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
abbrev                              2.0.0                   npm                    
abort-controller                    3.0.0                   npm                    
accepts                             1.3.8                   npm                    
acorn                               7.4.1                   npm                    
ada-libs                            2.5.1-r0                apk                    
agent-base                          6.0.2                   npm                    
agentkeepalive                      4.3.0                   npm                    
aggregate-error                     3.1.0                   npm                    
ajv                                 6.12.6                  npm                    
alpine-baselayout                   3.4.3-r1                apk                    
alpine-baselayout-data              3.4.3-r1                apk                    
alpine-keys                         2.4-r1                  apk                    
alpine-release                      3.18.6-r0               apk                    
ansi-regex                          5.0.1                   npm                    
ansi-regex                          6.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
ansi-styles                         4.3.0                   npm                    
ansi-styles                         6.2.1                   npm                    
anymatch                            3.1.3                   npm                    
apk-tools                           2.14.4-r0               apk                    
aproba                              2.0.0                   npm                    
archy                               1.0.0                   npm                    
are-we-there-yet                    3.0.1                   npm                    
are-we-there-yet                    4.0.0                   npm                    
array-flatten                       1.1.1                   npm                    
asap                                2.0.6                   npm                    
asn1                                0.2.6                   npm                    
assert-never                        1.2.1                   npm                    
assert-plus                         1.0.0                   npm                    
asynckit                            0.4.0                   npm                    
aws-sign2                           0.7.0                   npm                    
aws4                                1.12.0                  npm                    
babel-walk                          3.0.0-canary-5          npm                    
balanced-match                      1.0.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
base64-js                           1.5.1                   npm                    
bash                                5.2.15-r5               apk                    
basic-auth                          2.0.1                   npm                    
bcrypt-pbkdf                        1.0.2                   npm                    
bin-links                           4.0.1                   npm                    
binary-extensions                   2.2.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
body-parser                         1.20.1                  npm                    
body-parser                         1.20.2                  npm                    
brace-expansion                     1.1.11                  npm   (+2 duplicates)  
brace-expansion                     2.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
braces                              3.0.2                   npm                    
brotli-libs                         1.0.9-r14               apk                    
buffer                              6.0.3                   npm                    
builtins                            5.0.1                   npm                    
busybox                             1.36.1-r5               apk                    
busybox-binsh                       1.36.1-r5               apk                    
bytes                               3.1.2                   npm                    
c-ares                              1.19.1-r1               apk                    
ca-certificates                     20240226-r0             apk                    
ca-certificates-bundle              20240226-r0             apk                    
cacache                             16.1.3                  npm                    
cacache                             17.1.0                  npm                    
call-bind                           1.0.5                   npm                    
callsites                           4.1.0                   npm                    
caseless                            0.12.0                  npm                    
chalk                               4.1.2                   npm                    
character-parser                    2.2.0                   npm                    
chokidar                            3.5.3                   npm                    
chownr                              2.0.0                   npm                    
ci-info                             3.8.0                   npm                    
cidr-regex                          3.1.1                   npm                    
clean-stack                         2.2.0                   npm                    
cli-columns                         4.0.0                   npm                    
cli-table3                          0.6.3                   npm                    
clone                               1.0.4                   npm                    
clone                               2.1.2                   npm                    
cmd-shim                            6.0.1                   npm                    
color-convert                       2.0.1                   npm                    
color-name                          1.1.4                   npm                    
color-support                       1.1.3                   npm                    
columnify                           1.6.0                   npm                    
combined-stream                     1.0.8                   npm                    
commander                           11.1.0                  npm                    
common-ancestor-path                1.0.1                   npm                    
concat-map                          0.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
console-control-strings             1.1.0                   npm                    
constantinople                      4.0.1                   npm                    
content-disposition                 0.5.4                   npm                    
content-type                        1.0.5                   npm                    
cookie                              0.4.1                   npm                    
cookie                              0.5.0                   npm                    
cookie-parser                       1.4.6                   npm                    
cookie-signature                    1.0.6                   npm                    
copy-anything                       2.0.6                   npm                    
core-util-is                        1.0.2                   npm                    
corepack                            0.20.0                  npm                    
coreutils                           9.3-r2                  apk                    
cross-spawn                         7.0.3                   npm                    
cssesc                              3.0.0                   npm                    
curl                                8.5.0-r0                apk                    
dashdash                            1.14.1                  npm                    
debug                               2.6.9                   npm   (+4 duplicates)  
debug                               3.2.7                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
debug                               4.3.4                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
defaults                            1.0.4                   npm                    
define-data-property                1.1.1                   npm                    
delayed-stream                      1.0.0                   npm                    
delegates                           1.0.0                   npm                    
depd                                2.0.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
destroy                             1.2.0                   npm                    
diff                                5.1.0                   npm                    
doctypes                            1.1.0                   npm                    
eastasianwidth                      0.2.0                   npm                    
ecc-jsbn                            0.1.2                   npm                    
ee-first                            1.1.1                   npm                    
emoji-regex                         8.0.0                   npm                    
emoji-regex                         9.2.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
encodeurl                           1.0.2                   npm                    
encoding                            0.1.13                  npm                    
env-paths                           2.2.1                   npm                    
err-code                            2.0.3                   npm                    
errno                               0.1.8                   npm                    
escape-html                         1.0.3                   npm                    
etag                                1.8.1                   npm                    
event-target-shim                   5.0.1                   npm                    
events                              3.3.0                   npm                    
express                             4.18.2                  npm                    
extend                              3.0.2                   npm                    
extsprintf                          1.3.0                   npm                    
fast-deep-equal                     3.1.3                   npm                    
fast-json-stable-stringify          2.1.0                   npm                    
fastest-levenshtein                 1.0.16                  npm                    
fill-range                          7.0.1                   npm                    
finalhandler                        1.2.0                   npm                    
findutils                           4.9.0-r5                apk                    
foreground-child                    3.1.1                   npm                    
forever-agent                       0.6.1                   npm                    
form-data                           2.3.3                   npm                    
forwarded                           0.2.0                   npm                    
fresh                               0.5.2                   npm                    
fs-minipass                         2.1.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
fs-minipass                         3.0.2                   npm                    
fs.realpath                         1.0.0                   npm                    
function-bind                       1.1.1                   npm                    
function-bind                       1.1.2                   npm                    
gauge                               4.0.4                   npm                    
gauge                               5.0.1                   npm                    
get-intrinsic                       1.2.2                   npm                    
getpass                             0.1.7                   npm                    
glob                                10.2.2                  npm   (+1 duplicate)   
glob                                7.2.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
glob                                8.1.0                   npm                    
glob-parent                         5.1.2                   npm                    
gopd                                1.0.1                   npm                    
graceful-fs                         4.2.11                  npm   (+1 duplicate)   
har-schema                          2.0.0                   npm                    
har-validator                       5.1.5                   npm                    
has                                 1.0.3                   npm                    
has-flag                            3.0.0                   npm                    
has-flag                            4.0.0                   npm                    
has-property-descriptors            1.0.1                   npm                    
has-proto                           1.0.1                   npm                    
has-symbols                         1.0.3                   npm                    
has-tostringtag                     1.0.0                   npm                    
has-unicode                         2.0.1                   npm                    
hasown                              2.0.0                   npm                    
hosted-git-info                     6.1.1                   npm                    
http-cache-semantics                4.1.1                   npm                    
http-errors                         2.0.0                   npm                    
http-proxy-agent                    5.0.0                   npm                    
http-signature                      1.2.0                   npm                    
https-proxy-agent                   5.0.1                   npm                    
humanize-ms                         1.2.1                   npm                    
iconv-lite                          0.4.24                  npm                    
iconv-lite                          0.6.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
icu-data-en                         73.2-r2                 apk                    
icu-libs                            73.2-r2                 apk                    
ieee754                             1.2.1                   npm                    
ignore-by-default                   1.0.1                   npm                    
ignore-walk                         6.0.3                   npm                    
image-size                          0.5.5                   npm                    
import-module                       1.0.0                   npm                    
imurmurhash                         0.1.4                   npm                    
indent-string                       4.0.0                   npm                    
infer-owner                         1.0.4                   npm                    
inflight                            1.0.6                   npm                    
inherits                            2.0.4                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
ini                                 4.1.0                   npm                    
init-package-json                   5.0.0                   npm                    
int64-buffer                        0.99.1007               npm                    
ip                                  2.0.0                   npm                    
ip-regex                            4.3.0                   npm                    
ipaddr.js                           1.9.1                   npm                    
is                                  3.3.0                   npm                    
is-binary-path                      2.1.0                   npm                    
is-cidr                             4.0.2                   npm                    
is-core-module                      2.12.0                  npm                    
is-core-module                      2.13.1                  npm                    
is-expression                       4.0.0                   npm                    
is-extglob                          2.1.1                   npm                    
is-fullwidth-code-point             3.0.0                   npm                    
is-glob                             4.0.3                   npm                    
is-lambda                           1.0.1                   npm                    
is-number                           7.0.0                   npm                    
is-promise                          2.2.2                   npm                    
is-regex                            1.1.4                   npm                    
is-typedarray                       1.0.0                   npm                    
is-what                             3.14.1                  npm                    
isexe                               2.0.0                   npm                    
isstream                            0.1.2                   npm                    
jackspeak                           2.2.0                   npm                    
jq                                  1.6-r4                  apk                    
js-stringify                        1.0.2                   npm                    
jsbn                                0.1.1                   npm                    
json-parse-even-better-errors       3.0.0                   npm                    
json-schema                         0.4.0                   npm                    
json-schema-traverse                0.4.1                   npm                    
json-stringify-nice                 1.1.4                   npm                    
json-stringify-safe                 5.0.1                   npm                    
jsonparse                           1.3.1                   npm                    
jsprim                              1.4.2                   npm                    
jstransformer                       1.0.0                   npm                    
just-diff                           6.0.2                   npm                    
just-diff-apply                     5.5.0                   npm                    
less                                3.9.0                   npm                    
less                                4.2.0                   npm                    
less-middleware                     3.1.0                   npm                    
libacl                              2.3.1-r3                apk                    
libattr                             2.5.1-r4                apk                    
libbsd                              0.11.7-r1               apk                    
libc-utils                          0.7.2-r5                apk                    
libcrypto3                          3.1.4-r6                apk                    
libcurl                             8.5.0-r0                apk                    
libgcc                              12.2.1_git20220924-r10  apk                    
libidn2                             2.3.4-r1                apk                    
libintl                             0.21.1-r7               apk                    
libmd                               1.0.4-r2                apk                    
libncursesw                         6.4_p20230506-r0        apk                    
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libnpmexec                          5.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmfund                          4.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmhook                          9.0.3                   npm                    
libnpmorg                           5.0.4                   npm                    
libnpmpack                          5.0.17                  npm                    
libnpmpublish                       7.1.4                   npm                    
libnpmsearch                        6.0.2                   npm                    
libnpmteam                          5.0.3                   npm                    
libnpmversion                       4.0.2                   npm                    
libproc2                            4.0.4-r0                apk                    
libquassel                          4.0.0                   npm                    
libssl3                             3.1.4-r6                apk                    
libstdc++                           12.2.1_git20220924-r10  apk                    
libunistring                        1.1-r1                  apk                    
libuv                               1.44.2-r2               apk                    
linux-pam                           1.5.2-r10               apk                    
ljharb-monorepo-symlink-test        0.0.0                   npm                    
lru-cache                           6.0.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
lru-cache                           7.18.3                  npm                    
lru-cache                           9.1.1                   npm                    
make-dir                            2.1.0                   npm                    
make-fetch-happen                   10.2.1                  npm                    
make-fetch-happen                   11.1.1                  npm                    
media-typer                         0.3.0                   npm                    
merge-descriptors                   1.0.1                   npm                    
methods                             1.1.2                   npm                    
mime                                1.6.0                   npm                    
mime-db                             1.52.0                  npm                    
mime-types                          2.1.35                  npm                    
minimatch                           3.1.2                   npm   (+2 duplicates)  
minimatch                           5.1.6                   npm                    
minimatch                           9.0.0                   npm                    
minimist                            1.2.8                   npm                    
minipass                            3.3.6                   npm   (+7 duplicates)  
minipass                            5.0.0                   npm                    
minipass-collect                    1.0.2                   npm                    
minipass-fetch                      2.1.2                   npm                    
minipass-fetch                      3.0.3                   npm                    
minipass-flush                      1.0.5                   npm                    
minipass-json-stream                1.0.1                   npm                    
minipass-pipeline                   1.2.4                   npm                    
minipass-sized                      1.0.3                   npm                    
minizlib                            2.1.2                   npm                    
mkdirp                              0.5.6                   npm                    
mkdirp                              1.0.4                   npm                    
morgan                              1.10.0                  npm                    
ms                                  2.0.0                   npm   (+4 duplicates)  
ms                                  2.1.1                   npm                    
ms                                  2.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
ms                                  2.1.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
musl                                1.2.4-r2                apk                    
musl-utils                          1.2.4-r2                apk                    
mute-stream                         1.0.0                   npm                    
mylib                               0.0.0                   npm                    
ncurses-terminfo-base               6.4_p20230506-r0        apk                    
needle                              3.2.0                   npm                    
negotiator                          0.6.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
netcat-openbsd                      1.219-r1                apk                    
nghttp2-libs                        1.57.0-r0               apk                    
node-forge                          1.3.1                   npm                    
node-forge-flash                    0.0.0                   npm                    
node-gyp                            9.3.1                   npm                    
node.extend                         2.0.3                   npm                    
nodejs-current                      20.8.1-r0               apk                    
nodemon                             3.0.1                   npm                    
nopt                                1.0.10                  npm                    
nopt                                6.0.0                   npm                    
nopt                                7.1.0                   npm                    
normalize-package-data              5.0.0                   npm                    
normalize-path                      3.0.0                   npm                    
npm                                 9.6.6                   npm                    
npm                                 9.6.6-r0                apk                    
npm-audit-report                    4.0.0                   npm                    
npm-bundled                         3.0.0                   npm                    
npm-install-checks                  6.1.1                   npm                    
npm-normalize-package-bin           3.0.1                   npm                    
npm-package-arg                     10.1.0                  npm                    
npm-packlist                        7.0.4                   npm                    
npm-pick-manifest                   8.0.1                   npm                    
npm-profile                         7.0.1                   npm                    
npm-registry-fetch                  14.0.5                  npm                    
npm-user-validate                   2.0.0                   npm                    
npmlog                              6.0.2                   npm                    
npmlog                              7.0.1                   npm                    
oauth-sign                          0.9.0                   npm                    
object-assign                       4.1.1                   npm                    
object-inspect                      1.13.1                  npm                    
on-finished                         2.3.0                   npm                    
on-finished                         2.4.1                   npm                    
on-headers                          1.0.2                   npm                    
once                                1.4.0                   npm                    
oniguruma                           6.9.8-r1                apk                    
p-map                               4.0.0                   npm                    
pacote                              15.1.3                  npm                    
parse-conflict-json                 3.0.1                   npm                    
parse-node-version                  1.0.1                   npm                    
parseurl                            1.3.3                   npm                    
path-is-absolute                    1.0.1                   npm                    
path-key                            3.1.1                   npm                    
path-parse                          1.0.7                   npm                    
path-scurry                         1.7.0                   npm                    
path-to-regexp                      0.1.7                   npm                    
performance-now                     2.1.0                   npm                    
picomatch                           2.3.1                   npm                    
pify                                4.0.1                   npm                    
postcss-selector-parser             6.0.12                  npm                    
proc-log                            3.0.0                   npm                    
process                             0.11.10                 npm                    
procps-ng                           4.0.4-r0                apk                    
promise                             7.3.1                   npm                    
promise-all-reject-late             1.0.1                   npm                    
promise-call-limit                  1.0.2                   npm                    
promise-inflight                    1.0.1                   npm                    
promise-retry                       2.0.1                   npm                    
promzard                            1.0.0                   npm                    
proxy-addr                          2.0.7                   npm                    
prr                                 1.0.1                   npm                    
psl                                 1.9.0                   npm                    
pstree.remy                         1.1.8                   npm                    
pug                                 3.0.2                   npm                    
pug-attrs                           3.0.0                   npm                    
pug-code-gen                        3.0.2                   npm                    
pug-error                           2.0.0                   npm                    
pug-filters                         4.0.0                   npm                    
pug-lexer                           5.0.1                   npm                    
pug-linker                          4.0.0                   npm                    
pug-load                            3.0.0                   npm                    
pug-parser                          6.0.0                   npm                    
pug-runtime                         3.0.1                   npm                    
pug-strip-comments                  2.0.0                   npm                    
pug-walk                            2.0.0                   npm                    
punycode                            2.3.1                   npm                    
qrcode-terminal                     0.12.0                  npm                    
qs                                  6.11.0                  npm                    
qs                                  6.5.3                   npm                    
qtdatastream                        1.1.0                   npm                    
quassel-webserver                   3.0.2                   npm                    
range-parser                        1.2.1                   npm                    
raw-body                            2.5.1                   npm                    
raw-body                            2.5.2                   npm                    
read                                2.1.0                   npm                    
read-cmd-shim                       4.0.0                   npm                    
read-package-json                   6.0.3                   npm                    
read-package-json-fast              3.0.2                   npm                    
readable-stream                     3.6.2                   npm                    
readable-stream                     4.3.0                   npm                    
readdirp                            3.6.0                   npm                    
readline                            8.2.1-r1                apk                    
request                             2.88.2                  npm                    
resolve                             1.22.8                  npm                    
resolve-esm                         2.0.3                   npm                    
retry                               0.12.0                  npm                    
rimraf                              3.0.2                   npm                    
safe-buffer                         5.1.1                   npm                    
safe-buffer                         5.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
safe-buffer                         5.2.1                   npm                    
safer-buffer                        2.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
sax                                 1.3.0                   npm                    
scanelf                             1.3.7-r1                apk                    
semver                              5.7.2                   npm                    
semver                              7.5.0                   npm                    
semver                              7.5.4                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
send                                0.18.0                  npm                    
serve-favicon                       2.5.0                   npm                    
serve-static                        1.15.0                  npm                    
set-blocking                        2.0.0                   npm                    
set-function-length                 1.1.1                   npm                    
setprototypeof                      1.2.0                   npm                    
shadow                              4.13-r4                 apk                    
shebang-command                     2.0.0                   npm                    
shebang-regex                       3.0.0                   npm                    
side-channel                        1.0.4                   npm                    
signal-exit                         3.0.7                   npm                    
signal-exit                         4.0.1                   npm                    
sigstore                            1.4.0                   npm                    
simple-update-notifier              2.0.0                   npm                    
skalibs                                apk                    
smart-buffer                        4.2.0                   npm                    
socks                               2.7.1                   npm                    
socks-proxy-agent                   7.0.0                   npm                    
source-map                          0.6.1                   npm                    
spdx-correct                        3.2.0                   npm                    
spdx-exceptions                     2.3.0                   npm                    
spdx-expression-parse               3.0.1                   npm                    
spdx-license-ids                    3.0.13                  npm                    
sshpk                               1.18.0                  npm                    
ssl_client                          1.36.1-r5               apk                    
ssri                                10.0.4                  npm                    
ssri                                9.0.1                   npm                    
statuses                            2.0.1                   npm                    
string-width                        4.2.3                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
string-width                        5.1.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
string_decoder                      1.1.1                   npm                    
strip-ansi                          6.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
strip-ansi                          7.0.1                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
supports-color                      5.5.0                   npm                    
supports-color                      7.2.0                   npm                    
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag     1.0.0                   npm                    
tar                                 6.1.14                  npm                    
text-table                          0.2.0                   npm                    
tiny-relative-date                  1.3.0                   npm                    
to-fast-properties                  2.0.0                   npm                    
to-regex-range                      5.0.1                   npm                    
toidentifier                        1.0.1                   npm                    
token-stream                        1.0.0                   npm                    
touch                               3.1.0                   npm                    
tough-cookie                        2.5.0                   npm                    
treeverse                           3.0.0                   npm                    
tslib                               2.6.2                   npm                    
tuf-js                              1.1.5                   npm                    
tunnel-agent                        0.6.0                   npm                    
tweetnacl                           0.14.5                  npm                    
type-is                             1.6.18                  npm                    
tzdata                              2024a-r0                apk                    
undefsafe                           2.0.5                   npm                    
unique-filename                     2.0.1                   npm                    
unique-filename                     3.0.0                   npm                    
unique-slug                         3.0.0                   npm                    
unique-slug                         4.0.0                   npm                    
unpipe                              1.0.0                   npm                    
untildify                           5.0.0                   npm                    
uri-js                              4.4.1                   npm                    
util-deprecate                      1.0.2                   npm                    
utils-merge                         1.0.1                   npm                    
utmps-libs                              apk                    
uuid                                3.4.0                   npm                    
validate-npm-package-license        3.0.4                   npm                    
validate-npm-package-name           5.0.0                   npm                    
vary                                1.1.2                   npm                    
verror                              1.10.0                  npm                    
void-elements                       3.1.0                   npm                    
walk-up-path                        3.0.1                   npm                    
wcwidth                             1.0.1                   npm                    
which                               2.0.2                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
which                               3.0.1                   npm                    
wide-align                          1.1.5                   npm                    
with                                7.0.2                   npm                    
wrap-ansi                           7.0.0                   npm                    
wrap-ansi                           8.1.0                   npm                    
wrappy                              1.0.2                   npm                    
write-file-atomic                   5.0.1                   npm                    
ws                                  8.14.2                  npm                    
yallist                             4.0.0                   npm   (+1 duplicate)   
zlib                                1.2.13-r1               apk
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