Test Results linuxserver/deluge:2.1.1-r9-ls264

Cumulative: PASS



Build Information
Version: 2.1.1-r9-ls264
Created: 2024-04-16T02:32:07+00:00
Size: 142.13MB
Maintainer: aptalca
View Container Logs
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-adduser: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    911
User GID:    911

s6-rc: info: service init-adduser successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-deluge-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-deluge-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files: starting
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluged: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron successfully started
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.configmanager:49  ] Setting config directory to: /config
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.daemon            :1672] Deluge daemon 2.1.1
19:35:05 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :1672] Unable to load /config/session.state: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/session.state'
19:35:05 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :1672] Unable to load /config/session.state.bak: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/session.state.bak'
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.alertmanager      :1672] Alert Queue Size set to 10000
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.rpcserver         :1672] Starting DelugeRPC server localhost:58846
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.daemon            :1672] Deluge daemon starting...
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.authmanager       :1672] Opening auth for load: /config/auth
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.authmanager       :1672] Successfully loaded auth: /config/auth
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] on_alert_external_ip:
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Loading torrent state: /config/state/torrents.state
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Loading torrent state: /config/state/torrents.state.bak
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Opening torrents.fastresume for load: /config/state/torrents.fastresume
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Opening torrents.fastresume for load: /config/state/torrents.fastresume.bak
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Opening torrents.fastresume for load: /config/torrents.fastresume
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Finished loading 0 torrents in 0:00:00.000168
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] on_alert_external_ip:
Connection to 58846 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluged successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluge-web: starting
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.rpcserver         :1672] Deluge Client connection made from:
19:35:05 [INFO    ][deluge.core.rpcserver         :1672] Deluge client disconnected: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
19:35:06 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :400 ] Unable to open config file /config/web.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/web.conf'
19:35:06 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :400 ] Unable to open config file /config/hostlist.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/hostlist.conf'
19:35:06 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :477 ] Unable to open config file: /config/hostlist.conf because: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/hostlist.conf'
19:35:06 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :502 ] Unable to backup old config: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/hostlist.conf'
Connection to 8112 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluge-web successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check: starting
[] done.
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check successfully started
View SBOM output
NAME                        VERSION                TYPE         
7zip                        23.01-r0               apk           
Automat                     22.10.0                python        
GeoIP                       1.3.2                  python        
Mako                        1.3.2                  python        
MarkupSafe                  2.1.5                  python        
PyHamcrest                  2.1.0                  python        
Twisted                     22.10.0                python        
alpine-baselayout           3.6.4-r0               apk           
alpine-baselayout-data      3.6.4-r0               apk           
alpine-keys                 2.4-r1                 apk           
apk-tools                   2.14.3-r1              apk           
arrayvec                    0.7.4                  rust-crate    
attrs                       23.2.0                 python        
bash                        5.2.26-r0              apk           
bitflags                    2.4.1                  rust-crate    
boost1.82-python3           1.82.0-r5              apk           
brotli-libs                 1.1.0-r2               apk           
busybox                     1.36.1-r25             apk           
busybox-binsh               1.36.1-r25             apk           
bytemuck                    1.14.0                 rust-crate    
c-ares                      1.28.1-r0              apk           
ca-certificates             20240226-r0            apk           
ca-certificates-bundle      20240226-r0            apk           
certifi                     2024.2.2               python        
cffi                        1.16.0                 python        
cfg-if                      1.0.0                  rust-crate    
chardet                     5.2.0                  python        
charset-normalizer          3.3.2                  python        
constantly                  23.10.4                python        
coreutils                   9.5-r0                 apk           
coreutils-env               9.5-r0                 apk           
coreutils-fmt               9.5-r0                 apk           
coreutils-sha512sum         9.5-r0                 apk           
crossbeam-deque             0.8.3                  rust-crate    
crossbeam-epoch             0.9.15                 rust-crate    
crossbeam-utils             0.8.16                 rust-crate    
cryptography                42.0.5                 python        
curl                        8.7.1-r0               apk           
deluge                      2.1.1                  python        
deluge                      2.1.1-r9               apk           
deluge-pyc                  2.1.1-r9               apk           
distro                      1.9.0                  python        
either                      1.9.0                  rust-crate    
freetype                    2.13.2-r0              apk           
future                      1.0.0                  python        
gdbm                        1.23-r1                apk           
geoip                       1.6.12-r5              apk           
h2                          4.1.0                  python        
hpack                       4.0.0                  python        
hyperframe                  6.0.1                  python        
hyperlink                   21.0.0                 python        
idna                        3.7                    python        
imagequant                  4.2.2                  rust-crate    
imagequant-sys              4.0.3                  rust-crate    
incremental                 22.10.0                python        
jq                          1.7.1-r0               apk           
lcms2                       2.16-r0                apk           
libacl                      2.3.2-r0               apk           
libattr                     2.5.2-r0               apk           
libbsd                      0.12.2-r0              apk           
libbz2                      1.0.8-r6               apk           
libc                        0.2.149                rust-crate    
libcrypto3                  3.3.0-r0               apk           
libcurl                     8.7.1-r0               apk           
libexpat                    2.6.2-r0               apk           
libffi                      3.4.6-r0               apk           
libgcc                      13.2.1_git20240309-r0  apk           
libidn2                     2.3.7-r0               apk           
libimagequant               4.2.2-r0               apk           
libintl                     0.22.5-r0              apk           
libjpeg-turbo               3.0.2-r0               apk           
libmd                       1.1.0-r0               apk           
libncursesw                 6.4_p20240330-r0       apk           
libpanelw                   6.4_p20240330-r0       apk           
libpng                      1.6.43-r0              apk           
libproc2                    4.0.4-r0               apk           
libpsl                      0.21.5-r1              apk           
libsharpyuv                 1.3.2-r0               apk           
libssl3                     3.3.0-r0               apk           
libstdc++                   13.2.1_git20240309-r0  apk           
libtorrent                  2.0.10                 python        
libtorrent-rasterbar        2.0.10-r1              apk           
libunistring                1.2-r0                 apk           
libwebp                     1.3.2-r0               apk           
libwebpdemux                1.3.2-r0               apk           
libwebpmux                  1.3.2-r0               apk           
libxau                      1.0.11-r4              apk           
libxcb                      1.16.1-r0              apk           
libxdmcp                    1.1.5-r1               apk           
linux-pam                   1.6.0-r0               apk           
memoffset                   0.9.0                  rust-crate    
mpdecimal                   4.0.0-r0               apk           
musl                        1.2.5-r0               apk           
musl-utils                  1.2.5-r0               apk           
ncurses-terminfo-base       6.4_p20240330-r0       apk           
netcat-openbsd              1.226-r0               apk           
nghttp2-libs                1.61.0-r0              apk           
once_cell                   1.18.0                 rust-crate    
oniguruma                   6.9.9-r0               apk           
openjpeg                    2.5.2-r0               apk           
packaging                   24.0                   python        
pillow                      10.3.0                 python        
procps-ng                   4.0.4-r0               apk           
py3-asn1                    0.6.0-r1               apk           
py3-asn1-modules            0.4.0-r0               apk           
py3-asn1-modules-pyc        0.4.0-r0               apk           
py3-asn1-pyc                0.6.0-r1               apk           
py3-attrs                   23.2.0-r1              apk           
py3-attrs-pyc               23.2.0-r1              apk           
py3-automat                 22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-automat-pyc             22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-certifi                 2024.2.2-r1            apk           
py3-certifi-pyc             2024.2.2-r1            apk           
py3-cffi                    1.16.0-r1              apk           
py3-cffi-pyc                1.16.0-r1              apk           
py3-chardet                 5.2.0-r1               apk           
py3-chardet-pyc             5.2.0-r1               apk           
py3-charset-normalizer      3.3.2-r1               apk           
py3-charset-normalizer-pyc  3.3.2-r1               apk           
py3-constantly              23.10.4-r1             apk           
py3-constantly-pyc          23.10.4-r1             apk           
py3-cparser                 2.22-r1                apk           
py3-cparser-pyc             2.22-r1                apk           
py3-cryptography            42.0.5-r1              apk           
py3-cryptography-pyc        42.0.5-r1              apk           
py3-distro                  1.9.0-r2               apk           
py3-distro-pyc              1.9.0-r2               apk           
py3-future                  1.0.0-r1               apk           
py3-future-pyc              1.0.0-r1               apk           
py3-geoip                   1.3.2-r3               apk           
py3-h2                      4.1.0-r3               apk           
py3-h2-pyc                  4.1.0-r3               apk           
py3-hpack                   4.0.0-r9               apk           
py3-hpack-pyc               4.0.0-r9               apk           
py3-hyperframe              6.0.1-r4               apk           
py3-hyperframe-pyc          6.0.1-r4               apk           
py3-hyperlink               21.0.0-r5              apk           
py3-hyperlink-pyc           21.0.0-r5              apk           
py3-idna                    3.7-r0                 apk           
py3-idna-pyc                3.7-r0                 apk           
py3-incremental             22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-incremental-pyc         22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-libtorrent-rasterbar    2.0.10-r1              apk           
py3-mako                    1.3.2-r2               apk           
py3-mako-pyc                1.3.2-r2               apk           
py3-markupsafe              2.1.5-r1               apk           
py3-markupsafe-pyc          2.1.5-r1               apk           
py3-openssl                 24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-openssl-pyc             24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-packaging               24.0-r1                apk           
py3-packaging-pyc           24.0-r1                apk           
py3-parsing                 3.1.2-r1               apk           
py3-parsing-pyc             3.1.2-r1               apk           
py3-pillow                  10.3.0-r2              apk           
py3-pillow-pyc              10.3.0-r2              apk           
py3-pyhamcrest              2.1.0-r1               apk           
py3-pyhamcrest-pyc          2.1.0-r1               apk           
py3-pyserial                3.5-r7                 apk           
py3-pyserial-pyc            3.5-r7                 apk           
py3-rencode                 1.0.6-r11              apk           
py3-rencode-pyc             1.0.6-r11              apk           
py3-requests                2.31.0-r2              apk           
py3-requests-pyc            2.31.0-r2              apk           
py3-service_identity        24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-service_identity-pyc    24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-setproctitle            1.3.3-r1               apk           
py3-setproctitle-pyc        1.3.3-r1               apk           
py3-setuptools              69.2.0-r2              apk           
py3-setuptools-pyc          69.2.0-r2              apk           
py3-six                     1.16.0-r9              apk           
py3-six-pyc                 1.16.0-r9              apk           
py3-twisted                 22.10.0-r5             apk           
py3-twisted-pyc             22.10.0-r5             apk           
py3-typing-extensions       4.11.0-r1              apk           
py3-typing-extensions-pyc   4.11.0-r1              apk           
py3-urllib3                 1.26.18-r1             apk           
py3-urllib3-pyc             1.26.18-r1             apk           
py3-wheel                   0.42.0-r1              apk           
py3-wheel-pyc               0.42.0-r1              apk           
py3-xdg                     0.28-r3                apk           
py3-xdg-pyc                 0.28-r3                apk           
py3-zope-interface          6.0-r1                 apk           
py3-zope-interface-pyc      6.0-r1                 apk           
pyOpenSSL                   24.1.0                 python        
pyasn1                      0.6.0                  python        
pyasn1_modules              0.4.0                  python        
pyc                         3.12.3-r0              apk           
pycparser                   2.22                   python        
pyparsing                   3.1.2                  python        
pyserial                    3.5                    python        
python3                     3.12.3-r0              apk           
python3-pyc                 3.12.3-r0              apk           
python3-pycache-pyc0        3.12.3-r0              apk           
pyxdg                       0.28                   python        
rayon                       1.8.0                  rust-crate    
rayon-core                  1.12.0                 rust-crate    
readline                    8.2.10-r0              apk           
rencode                     1.0.6                  python        
requests                    2.31.0                 python        
rgb                         0.8.36                 rust-crate    
scanelf                     1.3.7-r2               apk           
scopeguard                  1.2.0                  rust-crate    
service-identity            24.1.0                 python        
setproctitle                1.3.3                  python        
setuptools                  69.2.0                 python        
shadow                      4.15.1-r0              apk           
six                         1.16.0                 python        
skalibs                       apk           
sqlite-libs                 3.45.2-r0              apk           
ssl_client                  1.36.1-r25             apk           
thread_local                1.1.7                  rust-crate    
tiff                        4.6.0t-r0              apk           
typing_extensions           4.11.0                 python        
tzdata                      2024a-r1               apk           
urllib3                     1.26.18                python        
utmps-libs                     apk           
wheel                       0.42.0                 python        
xz-libs                     5.6.1-r3               apk           
zlib                        1.3.1-r1               apk           
zope.interface              6.0                    python        
zstd-libs                   1.5.6-r0               apk
Test Result Message
Container startup PASS -
Create SBOM PASS -
Get build info PASS -
Get screenshot PASS -



Build Information
Version: 2.1.1-r9-ls264
Created: 2024-04-16T02:32:07+00:00
Size: 164.90MB
Maintainer: aptalca
View Container Logs
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
s6-rc: info: service init-migrations successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-adduser: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-envfile successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
usermod: no changes

      ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
      ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
      ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
      ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

   Brought to you by

To support LSIO projects visit:


User UID:    911
User GID:    911

s6-rc: info: service init-adduser successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-os-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-deluge-config: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-crontab-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-deluge-config successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-config-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-package-install successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-mods-end successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files: starting
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
s6-rc: info: service init-custom-files successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluged: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron: starting
s6-rc: info: service svc-cron successfully started
19:35:09 [INFO    ][deluge.configmanager:49  ] Setting config directory to: /config
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.daemon            :1672] Deluge daemon 2.1.1
19:35:10 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :1672] Unable to load /config/session.state: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/session.state'
19:35:10 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :1672] Unable to load /config/session.state.bak: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/session.state.bak'
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.alertmanager      :1672] Alert Queue Size set to 10000
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.rpcserver         :1672] Starting DelugeRPC server localhost:58846
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.daemon            :1672] Deluge daemon starting...
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.authmanager       :1672] Opening auth for load: /config/auth
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.authmanager       :1672] Successfully loaded auth: /config/auth
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] on_alert_external_ip:
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Loading torrent state: /config/state/torrents.state
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Loading torrent state: /config/state/torrents.state.bak
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Opening torrents.fastresume for load: /config/state/torrents.fastresume
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Opening torrents.fastresume for load: /config/state/torrents.fastresume.bak
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Opening torrents.fastresume for load: /config/torrents.fastresume
19:35:10 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] Finished loading 0 torrents in 0:00:00.003045
19:35:11 [INFO    ][deluge.core.torrentmanager    :1672] on_alert_external_ip:
Connection to 58846 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluged successfully started
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluge-web: starting
19:35:11 [INFO    ][deluge.core.rpcserver         :1672] Deluge Client connection made from:
19:35:11 [INFO    ][deluge.core.rpcserver         :1672] Deluge client disconnected: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
19:35:15 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :400 ] Unable to open config file /config/web.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/web.conf'
19:35:15 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :400 ] Unable to open config file /config/hostlist.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/hostlist.conf'
19:35:15 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :477 ] Unable to open config file: /config/hostlist.conf because: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/hostlist.conf'
19:35:15 [WARNING ][deluge.config              :502 ] Unable to backup old config: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/hostlist.conf'
Connection to 8112 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
s6-rc: info: service svc-deluge-web successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check: starting
[] done.
s6-rc: info: service ci-service-check successfully started
View SBOM output
NAME                        VERSION                TYPE         
7zip                        23.01-r0               apk           
Automat                     22.10.0                python        
GeoIP                       1.3.2                  python        
Mako                        1.3.2                  python        
MarkupSafe                  2.1.5                  python        
PyHamcrest                  2.1.0                  python        
Twisted                     22.10.0                python        
alpine-baselayout           3.6.4-r0               apk           
alpine-baselayout-data      3.6.4-r0               apk           
alpine-keys                 2.4-r1                 apk           
apk-tools                   2.14.3-r1              apk           
arrayvec                    0.7.4                  rust-crate    
attrs                       23.2.0                 python        
bash                        5.2.26-r0              apk           
bitflags                    2.4.1                  rust-crate    
boost1.82-python3           1.82.0-r5              apk           
brotli-libs                 1.1.0-r2               apk           
busybox                     1.36.1-r25             apk           
busybox-binsh               1.36.1-r25             apk           
bytemuck                    1.14.0                 rust-crate    
c-ares                      1.28.1-r0              apk           
ca-certificates             20240226-r0            apk           
ca-certificates-bundle      20240226-r0            apk           
certifi                     2024.2.2               python        
cffi                        1.16.0                 python        
cfg-if                      1.0.0                  rust-crate    
chardet                     5.2.0                  python        
charset-normalizer          3.3.2                  python        
constantly                  23.10.4                python        
coreutils                   9.5-r0                 apk           
coreutils-env               9.5-r0                 apk           
coreutils-fmt               9.5-r0                 apk           
coreutils-sha512sum         9.5-r0                 apk           
crossbeam-deque             0.8.3                  rust-crate    
crossbeam-epoch             0.9.15                 rust-crate    
crossbeam-utils             0.8.16                 rust-crate    
cryptography                42.0.5                 python        
curl                        8.7.1-r0               apk           
deluge                      2.1.1                  python        
deluge                      2.1.1-r9               apk           
deluge-pyc                  2.1.1-r9               apk           
distro                      1.9.0                  python        
either                      1.9.0                  rust-crate    
freetype                    2.13.2-r0              apk           
future                      1.0.0                  python        
gdbm                        1.23-r1                apk           
geoip                       1.6.12-r5              apk           
h2                          4.1.0                  python        
hpack                       4.0.0                  python        
hyperframe                  6.0.1                  python        
hyperlink                   21.0.0                 python        
idna                        3.7                    python        
imagequant                  4.2.2                  rust-crate    
imagequant-sys              4.0.3                  rust-crate    
incremental                 22.10.0                python        
jq                          1.7.1-r0               apk           
lcms2                       2.16-r0                apk           
libacl                      2.3.2-r0               apk           
libattr                     2.5.2-r0               apk           
libbsd                      0.12.2-r0              apk           
libbz2                      1.0.8-r6               apk           
libc                        0.2.149                rust-crate    
libcrypto3                  3.3.0-r0               apk           
libcurl                     8.7.1-r0               apk           
libexpat                    2.6.2-r0               apk           
libffi                      3.4.6-r0               apk           
libgcc                      13.2.1_git20240309-r0  apk           
libidn2                     2.3.7-r0               apk           
libimagequant               4.2.2-r0               apk           
libintl                     0.22.5-r0              apk           
libjpeg-turbo               3.0.2-r0               apk           
libmd                       1.1.0-r0               apk           
libncursesw                 6.4_p20240330-r0       apk           
libpanelw                   6.4_p20240330-r0       apk           
libpng                      1.6.43-r0              apk           
libproc2                    4.0.4-r0               apk           
libpsl                      0.21.5-r1              apk           
libsharpyuv                 1.3.2-r0               apk           
libssl3                     3.3.0-r0               apk           
libstdc++                   13.2.1_git20240309-r0  apk           
libtorrent                  2.0.10                 python        
libtorrent-rasterbar        2.0.10-r1              apk           
libunistring                1.2-r0                 apk           
libwebp                     1.3.2-r0               apk           
libwebpdemux                1.3.2-r0               apk           
libwebpmux                  1.3.2-r0               apk           
libxau                      1.0.11-r4              apk           
libxcb                      1.16.1-r0              apk           
libxdmcp                    1.1.5-r1               apk           
linux-pam                   1.6.0-r0               apk           
memoffset                   0.9.0                  rust-crate    
mpdecimal                   4.0.0-r0               apk           
musl                        1.2.5-r0               apk           
musl-utils                  1.2.5-r0               apk           
ncurses-terminfo-base       6.4_p20240330-r0       apk           
netcat-openbsd              1.226-r0               apk           
nghttp2-libs                1.61.0-r0              apk           
once_cell                   1.18.0                 rust-crate    
oniguruma                   6.9.9-r0               apk           
openjpeg                    2.5.2-r0               apk           
packaging                   24.0                   python        
pillow                      10.3.0                 python        
procps-ng                   4.0.4-r0               apk           
py3-asn1                    0.6.0-r1               apk           
py3-asn1-modules            0.4.0-r0               apk           
py3-asn1-modules-pyc        0.4.0-r0               apk           
py3-asn1-pyc                0.6.0-r1               apk           
py3-attrs                   23.2.0-r1              apk           
py3-attrs-pyc               23.2.0-r1              apk           
py3-automat                 22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-automat-pyc             22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-certifi                 2024.2.2-r1            apk           
py3-certifi-pyc             2024.2.2-r1            apk           
py3-cffi                    1.16.0-r1              apk           
py3-cffi-pyc                1.16.0-r1              apk           
py3-chardet                 5.2.0-r1               apk           
py3-chardet-pyc             5.2.0-r1               apk           
py3-charset-normalizer      3.3.2-r1               apk           
py3-charset-normalizer-pyc  3.3.2-r1               apk           
py3-constantly              23.10.4-r1             apk           
py3-constantly-pyc          23.10.4-r1             apk           
py3-cparser                 2.22-r1                apk           
py3-cparser-pyc             2.22-r1                apk           
py3-cryptography            42.0.5-r1              apk           
py3-cryptography-pyc        42.0.5-r1              apk           
py3-distro                  1.9.0-r2               apk           
py3-distro-pyc              1.9.0-r2               apk           
py3-future                  1.0.0-r1               apk           
py3-future-pyc              1.0.0-r1               apk           
py3-geoip                   1.3.2-r3               apk           
py3-h2                      4.1.0-r3               apk           
py3-h2-pyc                  4.1.0-r3               apk           
py3-hpack                   4.0.0-r9               apk           
py3-hpack-pyc               4.0.0-r9               apk           
py3-hyperframe              6.0.1-r4               apk           
py3-hyperframe-pyc          6.0.1-r4               apk           
py3-hyperlink               21.0.0-r5              apk           
py3-hyperlink-pyc           21.0.0-r5              apk           
py3-idna                    3.7-r0                 apk           
py3-idna-pyc                3.7-r0                 apk           
py3-incremental             22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-incremental-pyc         22.10.0-r3             apk           
py3-libtorrent-rasterbar    2.0.10-r1              apk           
py3-mako                    1.3.2-r2               apk           
py3-mako-pyc                1.3.2-r2               apk           
py3-markupsafe              2.1.5-r1               apk           
py3-markupsafe-pyc          2.1.5-r1               apk           
py3-openssl                 24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-openssl-pyc             24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-packaging               24.0-r1                apk           
py3-packaging-pyc           24.0-r1                apk           
py3-parsing                 3.1.2-r1               apk           
py3-parsing-pyc             3.1.2-r1               apk           
py3-pillow                  10.3.0-r2              apk           
py3-pillow-pyc              10.3.0-r2              apk           
py3-pyhamcrest              2.1.0-r1               apk           
py3-pyhamcrest-pyc          2.1.0-r1               apk           
py3-pyserial                3.5-r7                 apk           
py3-pyserial-pyc            3.5-r7                 apk           
py3-rencode                 1.0.6-r11              apk           
py3-rencode-pyc             1.0.6-r11              apk           
py3-requests                2.31.0-r2              apk           
py3-requests-pyc            2.31.0-r2              apk           
py3-service_identity        24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-service_identity-pyc    24.1.0-r1              apk           
py3-setproctitle            1.3.3-r1               apk           
py3-setproctitle-pyc        1.3.3-r1               apk           
py3-setuptools              69.2.0-r2              apk           
py3-setuptools-pyc          69.2.0-r2              apk           
py3-six                     1.16.0-r9              apk           
py3-six-pyc                 1.16.0-r9              apk           
py3-twisted                 22.10.0-r5             apk           
py3-twisted-pyc             22.10.0-r5             apk           
py3-typing-extensions       4.11.0-r1              apk           
py3-typing-extensions-pyc   4.11.0-r1              apk           
py3-urllib3                 1.26.18-r1             apk           
py3-urllib3-pyc             1.26.18-r1             apk           
py3-wheel                   0.42.0-r1              apk           
py3-wheel-pyc               0.42.0-r1              apk           
py3-xdg                     0.28-r3                apk           
py3-xdg-pyc                 0.28-r3                apk           
py3-zope-interface          6.0-r1                 apk           
py3-zope-interface-pyc      6.0-r1                 apk           
pyOpenSSL                   24.1.0                 python        
pyasn1                      0.6.0                  python        
pyasn1_modules              0.4.0                  python        
pyc                         3.12.3-r0              apk           
pycparser                   2.22                   python        
pyparsing                   3.1.2                  python        
pyserial                    3.5                    python        
python3                     3.12.3-r0              apk           
python3-pyc                 3.12.3-r0              apk           
python3-pycache-pyc0        3.12.3-r0              apk           
pyxdg                       0.28                   python        
rayon                       1.8.0                  rust-crate    
rayon-core                  1.12.0                 rust-crate    
readline                    8.2.10-r0              apk           
rencode                     1.0.6                  python        
requests                    2.31.0                 python        
rgb                         0.8.36                 rust-crate    
scanelf                     1.3.7-r2               apk           
scopeguard                  1.2.0                  rust-crate    
service-identity            24.1.0                 python        
setproctitle                1.3.3                  python        
setuptools                  69.2.0                 python        
shadow                      4.15.1-r0              apk           
six                         1.16.0                 python        
skalibs                       apk           
sqlite-libs                 3.45.2-r0              apk           
ssl_client                  1.36.1-r25             apk           
thread_local                1.1.7                  rust-crate    
tiff                        4.6.0t-r0              apk           
typing_extensions           4.11.0                 python        
tzdata                      2024a-r1               apk           
urllib3                     1.26.18                python        
utmps-libs                     apk           
wheel                       0.42.0                 python        
xz-libs                     5.6.1-r3               apk           
zlib                        1.3.1-r1               apk           
zope.interface              6.0                    python        
zstd-libs                   1.5.6-r0               apk
Test Result Message
Container startup PASS -
Create SBOM PASS -
Get build info PASS -
Get screenshot PASS -
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